Error:(14,36) not found: value agevalrd =InfluxFormatter.reader[Test]Error:(14,36) not found: value namevalrd =InfluxFormatter.reader[Test] With compiler options"-Ymacro-debug-lite", it looks like: Warning:scalac: {finalclass$anonextendsInfluxReader[Test]{def<init>() = {super.<i...
5 error: not found: value sc 11 Spark : Error Not found value SC 3 Scala: Unspecified value parameter evidence$3 0 Scala value is not stored in spark 2 SparkSQL: not found value expr 2 Spark scala error 1 Can't access value 0 Apache Spark Scala - data analysis - error ...
Scala - error: not found: value SortedMap 先IMPORT!!! scala>import scala.collection._ import scala.collection._ scala>SortedMap("2"->"jx","1"->"hxf","3"->"hl") res0: scala.collection.SortedMap[String,String] = Map(1 -> hxf, 2 -> jx, 3 -> hl)...
除了有时限的交互之外,SparkSession 提供了一个单一的入口来与底层的 Spark 功能进行交互,并允许使用 ...
(3)<console>:7:error:notfound:valueavala.b=25scala>val`a.b`=4 (4)a.b:Int=4 类型 数据类型Byte, short, int, long, float, double 可以自动将数字从较低等级转换为较高等级,不允许从较高等级转到较低等级 scala>valb:Byte=10b:Byte=10scala>vals:Short=bs:Short=10scala>vall:Long=20l:Long...
scala> (x:Int)=>x+more <console>:12: error: not found: value more (x:Int)=>x+more ^ //声明more scala> val more=1 more: Int = 1 scala> val addMore=(x:Int)=>x+more addMore: Int => Int = $$Lambda$1206/2005145495@773eb14c scala> addMore(5) res21: Int = 6依照...
scala>val a.b=25(3)<console>:7:error:not found:value a val a.b=25scala>val`a.b`=4(4)a.b:Int=4 类型 数据类型Byte, short, int, long, float, double 可以自动将数字从较低等级转换为较高等级,不允许从较高等级转到较低等级 代码语言:javascript ...
* except those of value classes. Value classes are subclasses of [[AnyVal]], which includes * primitive types such as [[Int]], [[Boolean]], and user-defined value classes. * * Since `Null` is not a subtype of value types, `null` is not a member of any such type. ...
<console>:17: error: not found: value Tuple val t1 = Tuple(1,0.32,"Hello") ^ scala> val t1 = Tuple3(1,0.32,"Hello") t1: (Int, Double, String) = (1,0.32,Hello) scala> val t1 = (1,0.32,"Hello") t1: (Int, Double, String) = (1,0.32,Hello) ...
I am trying to create a DataFrame of a text file which gives me error: "value toDF is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD" The only solution I can find online is to import SQLContext.implicits._ which in trun throws "not found: value SQLContext" I g...