When it encounters a DATA, PROC, or RUN statement, SAS stops reading statements and executes the previous step in the program. This program contains one DATA step and two PROC steps, for a total of three program steps. 编译阶段 During the compilation phase, the program data vector is create...
SAS Enterprise Guide - Summary Statistics说明书
Re: How to sum a column Posted 04-27-2022 09:28 PM (11391 views) | In reply to mkeintz Hello @di_niu0 A very simple approach to solve your issues is to use Proc SQL. The function count(cost) sums the cost and makes it available in all rows. Internally behind the scene it ...
【例1】procsql;selectavg(salary)asAvgSalaryfromsasuser.payrollmaster; /*PROC SQL查询结果为所有员工的薪水的平均值*/ 【例2】procsql outobs=10;selectsum(boarded, transferred, nonrevenue)asTotalfromsasuser.marchflights;/*由于summary function(sum)包含了多个参数,因此结果中每一行都计算了作用于多列参...
调用方式为:LIBNAME WWW 'C:\HULP';PROC 过程名 DATA=WWW.ABC;再写其他SAS语句。 ④特殊的数据集名 DATA _NULL_; 和DATA _LAST_;前一个语句表明只想用PUT语句来输出一些结果, 但不想创建SAS数据集,可减少使用计算机的资源; 后一个语句表明SAS系统使用一个称为_LAST_的...
调用方式为:LIBNAME WWW 'C:\HULP';PROC 过程名 DATA=WWW.ABC;再写其他SAS语句。④特殊的数据集名 DATA _NULL_; 和 DATA _LAST_;前一个语句表明只想用PUT语句来输出一些结果, 但不想创建SAS数据集,可减少使用计算机的资源; 后一个语句表明SAS系统使用一个称为_LAST_的特殊自动变量来保留在一个SAS程序里...
6. 13 proc print data=sasuser.cargo99 var origin dest cargorev; 22 76 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: ;, (, DATA, DOUBLE, HEADING, LABEL, N, NOOBS, OBS, ROUND, ROWS, SPLIT, STYLE, UNIFORM, WIDTH. ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored...
PROC COMPARE PROC COMPARE BASE=dataset1 COMPARE=dataset2 METHOD=ABSOLUTE CRITERION=0.0001; ID id_variable1 id_variable2; RUN; SAS Others 创建Library LIBNAME "the path of the folder containning your datasets"; 压缩数据集,节省空间 OPTIONS COMPRESS=YES; 导出log FILENAME OUTLOG "the path of the...
Table 74.1 Summary of PROC PRINQUAL Statement Options Option Description Input Data Set Options DATA= Specifies input SAS data set Output Data Set Details APPROXIMATIONS Outputs approximations to transformed variables APREFIX= Specifies prefix for approximation variables CORRELATIONS Outputs correlations and...
PROC step is a procedure step are used to generate list and summary report. Below flowchart shows the steps for SAS program execution. Every SAS program must have all these steps to complete reading the input data file, analyzing the data and giving the require output of the analysis. ...