All authors critically reviewed and provided input to manuscript drafts and approved the final version for submission to the journal. Corresponding author Correspondence to Spyros Chalkias. Ethics declarations Competing interests J.W., F.E., B.E., S.K., P.B. and A.B. report fees received ...
903 nucleotides that contains a 5′-cap structure, a 3′ poly(A) tail, 2 flanking untranslated regions (UTRs), and multiple open reading frames (ORFs) which encoding viral structural proteins and regulatory elements [14,15] (Fig.1). SARS-...
This can be confirmed by the sequence’s submission from Guinea on GISAID during that period, in addition to the study of Grayo et al. [36], where there is mention of detected the delta variant in June and July 2021. According to the WHO report by country, there was an increase in ...
We analysed 805 SARS-CoV-2 sequences from Gauteng, South Africa, that were uploaded to GISAID with sample collection dates from 1 September to 1 December 2021 (ref.15). We used a multinomial logistic regression model to estimate the growth advantage of Omicron compared with Delta at the time...
Only 420 of these were collected between mid-February and early-April 2021, showing important delays between sample collection and sequencing or sample storage for long periods before sequencing and submission (e. g., waiting for reagents and/or research investments). Therefore, a significant amount...
All authors read the final article and approved it for submission. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the authors from the originating laboratories responsible for obtaining the specimens and the Submitting laboratories where genetic sequence data were generated and shared via the NCBI and GISAID In...
All the authors critically reviewed and commented on the manuscript draft at both pre-and post-submission stages. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Authors’ Twitter handles Daniel Munblit: @DrMunblit; Danilo Buonsenso: @surf4children. Corresponding author Correspondence to Daniel ...
eventually reaching a rate of more than 1500 tests per million people per day. The reported daily incidence and reported numbers of daily severe cases peaked around mid-April and dropped steadily up to the time of this manuscript’s initial submission (May 2020). Despite this knowledge, many ...
the number of viruses per lineage per week was normalized against the epidemiological curve derived from COVID-19 case counts and visualized using R. To further minimize biases only sequences categorized in the GISAID submission as obtained using a ‘baseline surveillance’ sampling strategy were incl...
This is a very triggering week or two for me. I’ve got a mind for dates,which is not handy in some ways. So,I knew that Thursday was the day exactly last year at teatime that we got that phone call. Tomorrow is exactly the day since I went and took that medication to start tha...