(N gene and E gene where Ct>0), by vaccination status (lagged by a 14-day period from date of vaccination) and symptom status across rounds 15 to 17, where information on vaccination history and dates of vaccination was obtained (with consent) by linking to data from the national COVID...
a central city in China, and then spread to every corner of the globe. As of October 8, 2022, the total number of COVID-19 cases had reached over 621 million worldwide, with more than 6.56 million confirmed deaths
Data cutoff dates were 23 September 2022 for mRNA-1273.222 at the day 29 interim analysis and 6 July 2022 for the within-study noncontemporaneous mRNA-1273 at the day 91 interim analysis6. b, Analysis populations. The full analysis set consisted of all participants who received study vaccine....
All the authors critically reviewed and commented on the manuscript draft at both pre-and post-submission stages. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Authors’ Twitter handles Daniel Munblit: @DrMunblit; Danilo Buonsenso: @surf4children. Corresponding author Correspondence to Daniel ...
sequence. The whole available data of SARS-CoV-2 full-length genome sequences (10,287,271 samples) and their amino acid sequences, including their geographical locations and submission dates of sample annotations, were downloaded in FASTA format from the GISAID databases by April 28, 2022. ...
Choose BMC and benefit from: • fast, convenient online submission • thorough peer review by experienced researchers in your field • rapid publication on acceptance • support for research data, including large and complex data types • gold Open Access which fosters wider collaboration and...
Sinovac Life Sciences provided the investigational products and reviewed the data and final manuscript before submission; however, the authors retained editorial control. Results 11 303 volunteers were screened for eligibility, and 10 218 were randomly allocated (6650 [65·1%] to the vaccine ...
Submission Tracker Global. gisaid.org. 2021. Available at https://www.gisaid.org/index.php?id=208. Google Scholar The Lancet. Genomic sequencing in pandemics. Lancet. 2021;397:445. Article CAS Google Scholar Jørgensen TS, Blin K, Kuntke F, Salling HK, Michaelsen TY, Albertsen M, ...
The sequences in public repositories with no collection dates for the specimens are not included. The Omicron variant was not included in this analysis, as most countries had not yet provided any officially reported data on the Omicron variant at the time of writing. The values beneath the ...
blood samples at requested timepoints. The age of both donors is on the higher end of typical “adult” age classification, thus increasing the possibility of prior exposures to circulating seasonal endemic coronaviruses. Donor information and sample collection dates are shown in Supplementary Data1....