database records. Figure 1.14 shows the selection screen for order header table VBAK. If you know the sales order number, you can enter it in the Sales Document field on the selection screen. If, on the other hand, you do not know the order number, you can carry out a search based ...
Order item category level的delivery relevance仅对text或者value items有效。 例如我们可以设置一条text item与delivery相关,则它会从标准订单复制到outbound delivery并且记录在delivery note中。 使用接口到MM库存管理模块的实际交货只有在使用schedule lines时才可能发生。这就是为什么在标准情形下sales order item categor...
1.第三方订单 Item category确定首先需要修改物料主数据的 Item Category Group 为BANStcode : mm02这样输入订单时系统将会自动确定Item Category为TAStable : VT184卫b
po_order_number TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln, lt_partners TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr, lt_order_items_in TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm, lt_order_item_x TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx, ls_order_item_x LIKE LINE OF lt_order_item_x, ls_order_items_in LIKE LINE OF lt_order_items_in, lt_schdlin TYPE ...
An INCLUDE may actually be a table or another structure. So, if the structure you are working with includes an INCLUDE, and that INCLUDE is a table that contains your field, then you have won again. For example, in a Sales Order Item Overview, the Condition Type is listed as KOMV-KSC...
Service –to create a purchasing document for a service, such as a one-time consultation, that has not been defined as an Item in SAP Business One. The table view on this tab is different for each option. Including both items and services in the same sales document is not possible. Howe...
LO T001W Plant / sales organisation T499S Locations TSPA Division SD TVKO Sales organisation / company code TVTW Distribution channel TVBUR Sales office TVKBT Sales office text TVKGR Sales group TVGRT Sales group text T171T Sales district text ...
Order item category level的delivery relevance仅对text或者value items有效。 例如我们可以设置一条text item与delivery相关,则它会从标准订单复制到outbound delivery并且记录在delivery note中。 使用接口到MM库存管理模块的实际交货只有在使用schedule lines时才可能发生。这就是为什么在标准情形下sales order item categor...
*** 创建交货单要的参数 DATA: ship_point TYPE tvst-vstel, "装运点/接收点 num_deliveries TYPE vbnum, "创建的凭证数 lt_trans_items LIKE bapidlvreftosalesorder OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, "传输交货单对应的item deliveries TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapishpdelivnumb, "交货号 extension_out TYPE ...
Hi , Can we always use table VAPMA instead of a join on VBAK and VBAP. Does this table contain all the sales order items? When I did a "Number of entries" for table vbap and vapma, there is a slight difference in numbers. ...