In which table the item status is stored? I am referring the fields in the status tab of item in sales order. Eg: There are total 6 fields under status tab of line item in sales order. I want to see where these fields can be configured and in which table they gets stored. Please ...
You can use tables in selection conditions, preconditions, actions, and constraints.您可以在选择条件、前提条件、操作和约束中使用Table。In selection conditions, preconditions, and the conditional part of actions and procedures, tables are used to check the consistency of the values entered.在选择条件、...
*** 创建交货单要的参数 DATA: ship_point TYPE tvst-vstel, "装运点/接收点 num_deliveries TYPE vbnum, "创建的凭证数 lt_trans_items LIKE bapidlvreftosalesorder OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, "传输交货单对应的item deliveries TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapishpdelivnumb, "交货号 extension_out TYPE ...
Solved: Hi Experts, We had setup a milestone billing plan & assigned to our standard sales order type, and each created sales order will be seperated to fulfill
table-list:SAP常用数据表-SD 表名 表描述-zh 表介绍 备注 KNA1 客户主数据(一般数据层) KNB1 客户主数据(公司代码层) KNMT Customer-Material Info Record Data Table KNMTK Customer-Material Info Record Header Table KNVA Customer主数据Loading Points KNVD Customer主数据record sales request form KNVI ...
= LIPS-VGBELVBEP-VBELN = VBAK-VBELNVBLB-VBELN= VBAK-VBELNLIKP(Sales Doc:Delivery Header)VBLB (Release Order Data)VBEP -VBELN = VBAP-VBELN and VBAP-POSNR = VBEP -POSNRVBPA(Part ner Table)VBLK (SD:Delivery Note Header)Shippi ng/Delivery Docume ntVEPO(SD Doc:Shippi ng Item ...
Material Sales Data MTXH Material Long Text MCHA Batch management table(批次管理)MCHB 批次库存 MSKA SalesOrder Stock(销售库存)
14、rder amount base p/c base planning object base price/item alone method base quantity base rate base software package base table base unit of measure base value baseline baseline application template baseline date baseline date for payment basic arithmetic operations basic code basic component basic...
VBPAPartners in sales order VBKDSales district data VBEPData related to line items, delivery lines 6.2 VBRKheader data VBRPItem data 6.3 VTTKShipment header VTTPShipment item VTTSStage in transport VTSPStage in transport per shipment item VTPAShipment partners VEKPHandling Unit - Header Table VE...
wa_itemx TYPE bapisditmx, wa_cond TYPE bapicond, "价格条件 wa_condx TYPE bapicondx, wa_schdl TYPE bapischdl, "交付计划 wa_schdlx TYPE bapischdlx, wa_return TYPE bapiret2, wa_sdls TYPE bapisdls, wa_text TYPE bapisdtext. "文本 DATA: lt_partner TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiparnr,...