And you can provide or choose not to enter your SAP system id in LOGSYS field. When you execute the ABAP function module SREL_GET_NEXT_NEIGHBORS with accurately provided OBJECT parameter, you will get the IDoc list in Result table. Query EDIDS IDoc Status Record Table for IDoc Number For ...
Previously, when the down payment is fully posted, the customer needs to manually remove the delivery block in the sales order.With the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 release, when the down-payment is fully posted, the system will automatically remove the delivery block in the sales order....
I have also checked that: In work center Customer invoicing > Project invoicing, Sales Orders: the button Change Status is not set on "Finish invoicing". In work center Project Management > Projects: the status of the project related to the sales order is Released. How can I cancel this ...
For checking out all the condition record value related to a specific Sales Order, please refer the below approach: Go to the T-code SE16N and Execute the standard table VBAK for a Sales Order which you want to check. There is a field called Doc. condition(KNUMV), pick up the value ...
SAP A055 Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in this table.You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in A055 table. MANDT: Client Its a key field. Its data type is C (Character String) with field length 3 ...
{ "type": "AzureKeyVaultSecret", "secretName": "<secret name of client secret in AKV>", "store":{ "referenceName": "<Azure Key Vault linked service>", "type": "LinkedServiceReference" } }, "apiVersion": "<API Version>" }, "connectVia": { "referenceName": "<name of ...
During the process no valuated stock is created in the US selling company and business documents like the purchase and sales order between the affiliated companies are missing. Fig. 1: Classic Intercompany Sales - Single Level / Single System (Table of Co...
SapCloudForCustomerSource SapEccLinkedService SapEccResourceDataset SapEccSource SapHanaAuthenticationType SapHanaLinkedService SapHanaPartitionSettings SapHanaSource SapHanaTableDataset SapOdpLinkedService SapOdpResourceDataset SapOdpSource SapOpenHubLinkedService SapOpenHubSource SapOpenHubTableDataset SapTableLinked...
基於回溯相容性:從 Salesforce 複製資料時,如果使用先前的 "RelationalTable" 類型資料集,它仍可正常運作,但會看到改用新的 SalesforceObject 類型的建議。 屬性描述必要 type資料集的 type 屬性必須設定為RelationalTable。Yes tableNameSalesforce 中資料表的名稱。否 (如果已指定活動來源中的「查詢」) ...
Solved: Dear Experts, I would like to send an email (SMTP) notification, when a Sales Order has changed. I would like to include some fields from VBAK table. They are