Sales Area / Sales doc type/ Purchase Order type. I get this part - but if the creation of output depends on rejection of an item (you've already said this), then using ZZABGRU in your table will be only logical. I'm not saying use only this field, but change your table to Sale...
DATA: es_table TYPE zcl_zcreate_so_bapi88_mpc=>ts_salesorder. *Read the entry data io_data_provider->read_entry_data( IMPORTING es_data = es_table ). *Header data wa_header-doc_type = es_table-doc_type. wa_header-sales_org = es_table-sales_org. wa_header-distr_chan = es...
其中红色区域的值是我代码里硬编码的,而蓝色是函数SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE自己创建的。 来看下代码: DATA: ls_header TYPE bapisdhd1, ls_headerx TYPE bapisdhd1x, lt_bapiret2 LIKE bapiret2 OCCURS0WITH HEADER LINE, po_order_number TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln, lt_partners TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr, ls_...
I used ABAP BAPIbapi_salesorder_changeto delete sales order in SAP system recently. During ABAP development for migration of sales orders from an older SAP system to a newer SAP system, I had to delete sales orders I created for test purposes. I chosed to use the ABAP BAPIbapi_salesorder_...
An internal sales representative creates a sales order with a down-payment-related billing plan item.Previously, when the down payment is fully posted, the customer needs to manually remove the delivery block in the sales order.With the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 release, when the down-payment is...
lt_vbapTYPESTANDARDTABLEOFvbap. lv_num ='0000000268'.CALLFUNCTION'SD_VBAP_READ_WITH_VBELN'EXPORTING i_vbeln = lv_numTABLESet_vbap = lt_vbap EXCEPTIONS record_not_found =1OTHERS =2.BREAK-POINT. DATA: i_order_header_inLIKEbapisdhd1 . ...
下图是使用ABAP代码创建的S/4HANA的Sales Order的截图: 其中红色区域的值是我代码里硬编码的,而蓝色是函数SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE自己创建的。 来看下代码: DATA: ls_headerTYPEbapisdhd1, ls_headerxTYPEbapisdhd1x, lt_bapiret2LIKEbapiret2 OCCURS0WITHHEADERLINE, ...
Subcontracting Process In SAP SD Rebate Processing In SAP SD Difference Between Rebate And Discount Movement Type In SAP SAP SD Availability Check Configuration Debit And Credit Note in SAP Intercompany vs Intracompany Shipping Condition In Sales Order SAP SD Invoice Table SAP SD Certification & Cours...
Item– to create a purchasing document for items defined in theInventorymodule. Service– to create a purchasing document for a service, such as a one-time consultation, that has not been defined as anItemin SAP Business One. The table view on this tab is different for each option. ...
The Sana specific sales order data can be seen in the sales order header in SAP, on the Sana tab.NOTE The Sana tab is not available in the SAP EHP 4. You can still view the Sana specific sales order data using the Sana table "Webshop Orders Overview"....