data(comp_tab) = cast cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( query_table ) )->get_components( ). data(struct_descr) = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( comp_tab ). data(table_descr) = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( struct_descr ). data table_ref type ref to data. ...
在SAP Table输入配置对话框中,配置参数。 选择RFC_READ_TABLE。 RFC_READ_TABLE是SAP系统自带的RFC函数,用于读取SAP数据库表的结构和数据。 参数 描述 步骤名称 即SAP Table输入组件的名称。Dataphin自动生成步骤名称,您也可以根据业务场景修改。不超过64字符。 数据源 可选取Dataphin中所有SAP Table类型的数据源。
READ TABLE itab WITH TABLE KEY key COMPONENTS col1 =… col2 =… INTO wa. wa = itab[ KEY key col1 =… col2 =… ]. Does record exist? READ TABLE itab ... TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. ... ENDIF. IF line_exists( itab[ ... ] ). ... ENDIF. Get table inde...
To get started on using this connector, read the following blog posts:Introducing the SAP ERP connector Announcing Deeper SAP Integration for the Power PlatformPre-requisitesThe SAP ERP connector has a dependency on the following components, which must be installed on the same machine:On-premise da...
DATA: lt_inob TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF lty_inob, lt_ausp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF lty_ausp WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY s1 COMPONENTS objek. DATA: lr_plnum TYPE RANGE OF plnum, lr_aufnr TYPE RANGE OF aufnr, lr_matnr_cuobn TYPE RANGE OF cuobn, lr_atnam TYPE RANGE OF atnam...
Read table int_fligh with key airln = ‘LF’ binary search. 7、两个内表添加使用批量增加代替逐行 不推荐 Loop at int_fligh1. Append int_fligh1 to int_fligh2. Endloop. 推荐 Append lines of int_fligh1 to int_fligh2. 8、使用table buffering ...
For Additional components for installation, enter 2, 3. For the installation path, press Enter (defaults to /hana/shared). For Local Host Name, press Enter to accept the default. For Do you want to add hosts to the system?, enter n. For SAP HANA System ID, enter HN1...
Components The title bar contains the title of the responsive table, an item counter, variant management, and the toolbar. The toolbar can contain entry points for the view settings dialog and the table personalization dialog, as well as view switches in the form of a segmented button, and ...
It allows you to manage your framework dependencies and to build optimized packages for all applications, components and libraries. Get started here. Get started! Try the Hello World, read the Developer Guide and refer to the API Reference. Use App Templates as a foundation for your developments...
INTO TABLE scarr_tab. READ TABLE scarr_tab WITH TABLE KEY carrid = p_carrid TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. idx = sy-tabix. ENDIF. The addition COMPARING compares the specified components comp1 comp2 ... (or the subareas or attributes thereof) in a found line ...