SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development OPEN DATASET, is to open a file in application server. We can open a file in application server to READ or WRITE or APPEND data. Below extract the documenation can easily help you understand the same: OPEN DATASET Basic form 1 OPEN DATASET dsn. Ext...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello friend, Field Symbol is just like a pointer in C. Directly its having reference to address of the variable. We can use the field symbols mostely where we mostly need to update or append option to the data base. See the example code. <fs>-fie...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development F1 Help. <i> Logical Database Interfaces Logical databases are special ABAP programs that read data for application programs. When a logical database is linked with an executable program, it passes data to the interface work area declared with the NODES <node...
PERNR is the Field which is used through out the HR infotypes to maintain the data for each and every employee APPLICANt may be used in the recruitment side of HR, once the applicant is recruited he was assigned a PERNR. but once the employee is joined in an orgn, all his data is ma...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, Without knowing where this code come from, I fear nobody can help you. DATA s_NAME TYPE string VALUE 'HOMESHARE'. This line just means "There is now a variable named S_NAME containing the value 'HOMESHARE'. But maybe this variable is not used...
SAP also comes with a drag-and-drop form builder for creating UIs. It comes with handy features like generated forms based off your database table, but it’s fairly difficult to use. My favorite part of the form builder is drawing out the table columns: ...
Azure Monitor for SAP solutions is a free product. There's no license fee. You're responsible for paying the cost of the underlying components in the managed resource group. You're also responsible for consumption costs associated with data use and retention. For more information, see: ...
I believe that many friends have seen these three similar HTTP request types when using SAP ABAP Gateway Client to test OData services: PUT, MERGE and PATCH. What is the difference between these three types? PUT: Take the HTTP request (payload) as input, which will be passed to the UPDATE...
Master Data, Transaction Data, Organization Data and System Data are the data classes in SAP ABAP. Data in the Master Data class rarely changes. Data in the Transaction Data class changes frequently since they it is used in SAP transactions. Organization Data rarely changes since it includes cus...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Chaudhury, Interface are like methods, for example scn is an interface where we post our doubts and we get back our result. So when to create static methods if you feel like the methods can be called even when object is not created then go for it...