lv_rspos= lv_rspos +1.CLEAR:ls_component.*ls_component-item_number = gs_alv-posnr. "BOMls_component-reserv_no = gs_resb-rsnum."预留号ls_component-res_item = gs_resb-rspos."预留项目ls_component-material = <fs_alv>-idnrk."物料编码ls_component-requirement_quantity = <fs_alv>-bdmn...
I can use MILL_OC to create the combination order. but the element display in MD04 is very strange . The Negative quantity of the component in the combination order , which are from original header material, display in the MD04 and involved in calculation as a receipt elements. do you know...
the payment order is appearing in table REGUH &PYORDH but not REGUP .. what i have missed here ? and how i can complete the configuration of the manual bank statement (Automatic clearing procedures) that when i upload it with the payment order , SAP will match between payment order field...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi I trying to create planned orders using BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_CREATE but are unsuccessful. I only filled/completed the header data. Do i have to fill the component and capacity data to successfully create the planned order? CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_CREAT...
It occurs in any of the below mentioned scenarios; If the material valuation is based on standard price control, a standard cost estimate for the component could be released after the cost estimate for the assembly is released. If the material valuation is based on Moving average price control...
Order Data Application Component (Header Component) Definition The Order Data application component provides the fields for entering the order-related information in the order header of a clinical order. Use This application component is a header component. This means that you use t...
toSubcontractingComponent Defined in packages/vdm/purchase-order-service/PurchaseOrderScheduleLine.ts:114 One-to-many navigation property to the PoSubcontractingComponent entity. Static _defaultServicePath _defaultServicePath: string = '/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_...
intrestingly BAPI is updating rest of the fields at component level, like Component Quntity, Componen Plant etc. Only Special Stock Indicator field is an exception. We are passing value in "BAPI_ALM_ORDER_COMPONENT-SPECIAL_STOCK" field and updating BAPI Update table with X for this field. Ca...
KnownSapHanaAuthenticationType KnownSapHanaPartitionOption KnownSapTablePartitionOption KnownScriptActivityLogDestination KnownScriptActivityParameterDirection KnownScriptActivityParameterType KnownScriptType KnownSelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus KnownServiceNowAuthenticationType KnownServiceNowV2AuthenticationType KnownService...
Example: Sort by Posting date in ascending order Example: Group by Order Status: (3) Select any table row, you can navigate to Service Order detail page: You can click corresponding tab to reach each detail page area: Keep in mind, you DO NOT NEED to write any JavaScript code to make...