DATAnameTYPEstring.DATAcustomersTYPETABLEOFscustomWITHEMPTYKEY.cl_demo_input=>request(CHANGINGfield=name).DATA(cond)=`country = 'DE' AND name =`&&cl_abap_dyn_prg=>quote(name).TRY.SELECT*FROMscustomWHERE(cond)INTOTABLE@customers.cl_demo_output=>display(customers).CATCHcx_sy_dynamic_osql_synta...
ABAP New Syntax 2 ABAP ODATA 2 ABAP on HANA 1 ABAP OOABAP 2 ABAP PLATFORM 1 ABAP Platform Trial 2 ABAP Programming 8 ABAP Push Channels 1 ABAP Query 1 ABAP RAP 5 ABAP RAP custom action 3 ABAP RAP(RESTful Application Programming) 7 ABAP RESTFul API 1 ABAP RESTful Ap...
<fs_str>-matnr would produce syntax error. This is because the field symbol type is declared only at runtime not at compile time. So to access the matnr field with field symbol, first we need to assign that field component to a different field symbol and then use the new field symbo...
CreatedfromPlannedChange Created from planned change, in the following syntax: (‘X’ , ‘‘) CurrencyKeyNew Currency key: new value CurrencyKeyOld Currency key: old value FieldName Field name FlagText Flag text Host Host Instance ABAP instance, in the following syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYS...
What's new Best practices Experience in Defender portal Plan Deploy Migrate to Microsoft Sentinel Manage solutions and content Overview Deploy out-of-the-box content Delete out-of-the-box content Manage solution deprecation lifecycle Solution catalog Manage content as code using repositories Protect busi...
The triple brackets syntax is used when the replaced values don't need to be escaped and all values will be unchanged. For example, if somewhere in your xs-app.json you have a route: { "source": "^/get/home(.*)", "target": "$1", "localDir": "resources", "replace": { "...
[[USINGKEYkey_name|(name)] [FROMidx1] [TOidx2] [WHERElog_exp|(cond_syntax)]]. ENDLOOP. FROM … TO:只适用于标准表与排序表WHERE … :适用于所有类型的内表 如果没有通过USING KEY选项的key_name,则循环读取的顺序与表的类型相关:
CreatedfromPlannedChange Erstellt anhand geplanter Änderung in der folgenden Syntax: (‘X’ , ‘‘) CurrencyKeyNew Währungsschlüssel: neuer Wert CurrencyKeyOld Währungsschlüssel: alter Wert FieldName Feldname FlagText Flagtext Host Host Instanz ABAP-Instanz in der folgenden Syntax: <HOST...
Hi All, I need to migrate aroud 500 on going project & their associated WBS elements ( total WBS are 30000 ) together with budget to a new system . Can any one please suggest whether we can develop a program to do this activity ? Is there any BAPI to... Thursday | Posted in Ent...
MESSAGE e130(enhancement) RAISING syntax_error. ENDIF. * * check i_stoken for entries CLEAR w_linnum. DESCRIBE TABLE i_stoken LINES w_linnum. IF w_linnum GT 0. w_level = '1'. w_prog = i_fmodule-pname2. w_incl = i_fmodule-pname. PERFORM data_search TABLES i_stoken USING...