ABAP New Syntax 2 ABAP ODATA 2 ABAP on HANA 1 ABAP OOABAP 2 ABAP PLATFORM 1 ABAP Platform Trial 2 ABAP Programming 8 ABAP Push Channels 1 ABAP Query 1 ABAP RAP 5 ABAP RAP custom action 3 ABAP RAP(RESTful Application Programming) 7 ABAP RESTFul API 1 ABAP RESTful Ap...
The triple brackets syntax is used when the replaced values don't need to be escaped and all values will be unchanged. For example, if somewhere in your xs-app.json you have a route: { "source": "^/get/home(.*)", "target": "$1", "localDir": "resources", "replace": { "...
If your company has changed its company code (BURK) and if you have limited access to a particular company code in your roles, you will have to adjust the roles to use the new company code or to use * for any code. But, how do you quickly find out what roles you need to adjust?
New print control parameter for adjusting the quiet zone (left, right, top, bottom, unit = Modules). Error Message Fixed wrong error message (no bar code data) in case of invalid print control (e.g. syntax error). License Terms Updated license terms (2014-05-21). Known Bug QR-Co...
Please note: This is a new syntax for ABAP SQL. method SALESORDERSET_GET_ENTITYSET. select * from sepm_i_salesorder_e into corresponding fields of table @et_entityset. endmethod. Info: The replaced coding selects data from the CDS view sepm_i_salesorder_e.The results are filled into ...
alphanumeric field 字母数字字段 alphanumeric or numeric extreme 字母数字或数字极限 alter 改变,修改 alternate item 替代项目 alternate item description 替代项目描述 alternate item list 替代项目清单 alternate item maintence 替代项目维护 alternate item number 替代项目号 ...
Check out the document for the new syntax Tab titles can now contain special characters (e.g. spaces) Custom blocks can now appear nested inside a tab #262237629Thanks@sapphi-red! - update required vitepress version from 1.0.0-alpha.46 to 1.0.0-beta.2. update required vue version from ...
- We specify first the strict mode for all the necessary syntax checks, and the authorization method used (authorization check). - Then we specify the operations that can be used: in this case, we only wish to update our business object to remove ...
In an ABAP Objects context, a more severe syntax check is performed that in other ABAP areas. See Short forms of line operations not allowed. Effect Reads an entry from an DS:ABEN.ITAB>internal table, using either its key or its index. The return code SY-SUBRC specifies whether an ...
{ "$expand": "to_MatlStkInAcctMod" }, success: (oData) => { // do something with oData }, error: (oError) => { // do something with oError } }); } catch (error) { // do something with error } } Note that the same syntax works well with sales order API and business ...