ABAP New Syntax 1 ABAP ODATA 2 ABAP on HANA 1 ABAP OOABAP 1 ABAP PLATFORM 1 ABAP Platform Trial 2 ABAP Programming 8 ABAP Push Channels 1 ABAP Query 1 ABAP RAP 4 ABAP RAP custom action 3 ABAP RAP(RESTful Application Programming) 6 ABAP RESTFul API 1 ABAP RESTful Ap...
Instanz ABAP-Instanz in der folgenden Syntax: <HOST>_<SYSID>_<SYSNR> Sprache Sprache LogKey Protokollschlüssel NewValue Neuer Wert des Felds OldValue Alter Wert des Felds OperationTypeSQL Vorgangstyp: Insert, Update, Delete Programm Programmname SystemID System-ID SystemNumber Systemnummer TableFie...
ABAP New Syntax 1 ABAP ODATA 2 ABAP on HANA 1 ABAP OOABAP 1 ABAP PLATFORM 1 ABAP Platform Trial 2 ABAP Programming 8 ABAP Push Channels 1 ABAP Query 1 ABAP RAP 4 ABAP RAP custom action 3 ABAP RAP(RESTful Application Programming) 6 ABAP RESTFul API 1 ABAP RESTful Ap...
For example if the value of the environment variable is ab"cd the result will be ab"cd. The triple brackets syntax is used when the replaced values don't need to be escaped and all values will be unchanged. For example, if somewhere in your xs-app.json you have a route: ...
Require the module as usual. You can also use it in your TypeScript project using theimportsyntax. constdatasphere=require("@sap/datasphere-cli"); Work with commands The module exports agetCommandsfunction which returns a map of available commands. Make sure to always specify thehostto receive...
The Power Query SAP HANA database connector now supports parameters in native queries. You can specify parameters in native queries by using theValue.NativeQuerysyntax. Unlike other connectors, the SAP HANA database connector supportsEnableFolding = Trueand specifying parameters at the same time. ...
342 12.2 sqlany_bind_column(a_sqlany_stmt *, sacapi_u32, a_sqlany_data_value *) Method. . . . . . . . . . . . 343 12.3 sqlany_bind_param(a_sqlany_stmt *, sacapi_u32, a_sqlany_bind_param *) Method. . . . . . . . . . . . 344 12.4 sqlany_cancel(a_sqlany_...
MESSAGE e130(enhancement) RAISING syntax_error. ENDIF. * * check i_stoken for entries CLEAR w_linnum. DESCRIBE TABLE i_stoken LINES w_linnum. IF w_linnum GT 0. w_level = '1'. w_prog = i_fmodule-pname2. w_incl = i_fmodule-pname. PERFORM data_search TABLES i_stoken USING...
SUSE provides two different software packages for the Pacemaker resource agent to manage SAP HANA. Software packages SAPHanaSR and SAPHanaSR-angi are using slightly different syntax and parameters and aren't compatible. SeeSUSE release notesanddocumentationfor details and differences between SAPHanaSR ...
I got it with new open SQL Syntax avalaible from enhancement 740. For example: Table ZHR_EXAMPLE_TABLE2 has the column ID_EMPLEADO with 6 characters instead of 8 like PERNR in table ZHR_EXAMPLE_TABLE1. SELECT T0~COLUMN1, T0~COLUMN2, T0~COLUMN3, T0~COLUM4, T1~COLUMN1 AS COLUMRESULT,...