And then create a table representation which acts as drill down display, that is, when I click a certain product in column chart, I would like to have its detail information displayed by this table chart. Once saved, click Execute button to load the created application. Step3 analysis in AP...
如下图所示,我在SAPGUI里写了一个报表,只用一行语句就能完成一个名叫ZFAT_INTERFACE这个CDS view的ALV展示工作。 cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view(iv_cds_view_name='ZFAT_INTERFACE')->fullscreen()->display(). 这个CDS view显示的数据,是当前ABAP系统里所有的接口(SE24里查看的interface)和接...
选中 SQL 语句,选择菜单 Edit->Display Statement 即可。 ST05 里显示的信息表明,CDS View 的权限控制机制,运行时没有什么高深的技术,就是把 PFCG Role 中 Authorization Object 声明的条件,展开成了 OPEN SQL Where 条件的一部分。 下图是 PFCG Role 里 Authorization Object 包含的读取限制条件:Carrid(Airline C...
在Transaction字段里输入SE38,点击Execute按钮,这样就在跟踪模式下启动了SE38. 接着和以前一样,点击Display按钮,看到提示消息后,返回到SAT界面。这样SE38从启动到弹出提示消息,再到退出这整个过程所执行的ABAP代码都被SAT记录下来了。此时会看到一个进度条,表明SAT在格式化所记录内容的进度: 等到100%完成后,来到SAT的...
cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = 'ZFAT_INTERFACE' )->fullscreen( )->display( ).这个CDS view显示的数据,是当前ABAP系统里所有的接口(SE24里查看的interface)和接口上定义的方法个数。下图是在SAPGUI里以ALV方式输出该CDS view的数据:CDS view实现源码如下:为什么要搞...
CL_SALV_GUI_TABLE_IDA=>CREATE_FOR_CDS_VIEW( iv_cds_view_name='YCDS_DEMO01_SCARR')->FULLSCREEN( )->DISPLAY( ). 实例(定义字段别名): @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'YV_DEMO01_SCARR2'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter:true@AbapCatalog.preserveKey:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUI...
Two DCL objects defined on the same CDS view Again the SAP help said “If a CDS entity is specified in multiple CDS roles, the resulting access conditions are joined using a logical OR”. Let’s create a new PFCG role ZJER_AUTH_TEST4 which only grants displayauthorization on order type ...
A small tip here is, if you click “Display Object List” button, you will navigate to the package where other related ABAP artifacts within the same package are displayed as well. Now we can go through each database table one by one. Automatically inserted table entries during CDS view ...
如下图所示,我在SAPGUI里写了一个报表,只用一行语句就能完成一个名叫ZFAT_INTERFACE这个CDS view的ALV展示工作。 cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = 'ZFAT_INTERFACE' )->fullscreen( )->display( ). 这个CDS view显示的数据,是当前ABAP系统里所有的接口(SE24里查看的inter...
When you publish this CDS view as OData service and check its metadata response, you can find the annotation “sap:display-format=Date” is automatically added. Who adds it? Answer: it is added here. Backend framework will automatically add corresponding annotation according to the data type of...