SpecifiesAnnotationannotationin the definition of a CDS view of theABAP CDSbefore statementDEFINE VIEW. The character@ must be placed before the nameannotation of the annotation. The table below shows the possible predefined annotations, which can be specified, and their meanings. All other annotation...
Language Element MeaningDEFINEVIEW ... AS Defines a CDS viewWITHPARAMETERSDefines input parameters of a CDS viewSELECT[DISTINCT] ...FROMSELECTstatement of a CDS view INNER JOIN ...ONInner join in aSELECTstatementLEFT|RIGHT OUTER JOIN ...ONOuter join in aSELECTstatement ASSOCIATION ...TO... ...
not using an application server any more, the need arised, to create a meta model repository directly on the database. As with the ABAP Dictionary on the application server, there should be more in the box for you than using native SQL's CREATE TABLE or CREATE VIEW. Especially ...
ABAP CDSis the ABAP-specific implementation of SAP's general Core Data Services (CDS) concept. ABAP CDS is open, meaning that you can use it on all database platforms supported by SAP. And yes,CDS views with parameters, introduced withABAP 7.40, SP08,are supported by all databases with A...
The documentation CDS Annotations describes the meaning of framework-specific annotations, which SAP framework is evaluated by these annotations, and their permitted values. If square brackets [ ] are specified after a name in square brackets in the "Annotation" column, this means that the ...
Controls submission of parameters to a CDS view. AnnotationMeaningPossible ValuesDefault Value if Not UsedDefault Value if Used Without Value Environment.systemFieldAssigns anABAP system fieldto the input parameter for implicit parameter passing in Open SQL.#CLIENT: ...
ABAP CDS 函数,Thefollowingtableshowsthepotential SQLfunctions forstringsinaCDSviewin ABAPCDS,plustherequirementsmadeonthearguments..Themeaningof
The following table shows the potential SQL functions for strings in aCDSview in ABAPCDS, plus the requirements made on the arguments.. The meaning of cds cds函数 sql sed ide 原创 wx60dd44933d0df 2022-02-14 16:16:57 523阅读 CDS视图篇 1 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development The cardinality information is "only" used for documentation and optimizations in some db systems. But it has no effect on the result like you expect it, meaning it does not restrict 1:n constellations to 1:1. Please check the documentation: ABAP Keyword ...
In functions where an explicit lengthlenis specified, the actual length of the result is defined when the CDS view is activated and is at least as long aslen. In all functions with the exception ofLPADandRPAD, the trailing blanks of all arguments are removed before the actual processing and...