Here are some examples (but the list is not exhaustive): In DDIC-based views it is possible to assign alternative element names to elements of a SELECT-list using a name list. CDS view entities don't support name lists. The syntax SELECT * to select all elements from the data source ...
Examples. 3 Example#1: Display Sales Order Details. 3 Example#2: Apply Filtering. 4 Example#3: ALV Display Setting. 6 Example#4: Event Handling. 8 Example#5: Calculation Fields. 12 Example#6: Working with CDS Views. 15 Example#7: Authority Check. 16 Classes/Interfaces: 17 Overview ALV ...
可以在HANA STUDIO中创建一个程序,创建方法参看:何在HANA上的ABAP程序中调用ABAP CDS视图,创建程序完成后,程序代码如下: ABAP SELECT orderno, itemno, currency, grossamount, netamount, bill_status FROM z_cds_params( p_billing_status = 'P', p_delivery_status = 'D' ) INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_result)...
1、创建CDS视图(例如Zsepm_C_Salesorder_Tpl),注释:@OData.publish:true 2、在SAP Business Suite后端系统中生成服务(Zsepm_C_Salesorder_Tpl_CDS) 3、服务可以发布到SAP Gateway Server 注释可以在不同的上下文中灵活使用CDS视图。 UI特定的注释是最容易解释的。通过将注释@UI.selectionField:[{position:10}] ...
CDS views: I_FactoryCalendarBasic I_FactoryCalendarBasicText ... For the detailed solution , scroll down below to "Calendar(Factory calendar)" Calendar(General) Function module: MONTH_NAMES_GET WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY DATE_GET_WEEK Class: CL_SCAL_UTILS Calendar(Public holida...
我们可以通过在CDS加入注释说明来定义CDS字段默认在WEB IDE创建时(使用SAP Fiori Elements创建模式时)自动生成的样式。所以在此节点下我们学习CDS的各种注释,同时我们可以参看SAP 标准的 1.FIORI 设计准则。 2.Developing Apps with SAP Fiori Elements 此文主要说明在HANA STUDIO中,开发CDS时,常用用的的各种注释命令...
There will be two CDS views in parallel (until CDS view entities are fully compatible): CDS View entities will be new version of the CDS DDIC-based views CDS DDIC-based views (to be continued) is the “old” version you were using before The “old” CDS DDIC-based view is still avail...
Maybe I missed something, but how can I define JOINs for a CDS view in a hdbdd file? I have the following 2 tables and a view. The view claims that there is a syntax error on "left". I found no examples on how to JOIN in the documentation (only for ABAP). @Catalog.tableType ...
SAP S/4HANA, the next generation business suite, is also based on CDS in the form of the virtual data model (VDM). This course covers CDS views in depth and will equip the course participants with necessary knowledge required to use CDS view in their projects. ...
Virtuelles Datenmodell und CDS-Views in SAP S/4HANA VDM-Schichten und View-Typen Namenskonventionen im virtuellen Datenmodell Stabilitätskontrakte für CDS-Views Unterstützte Funktionen für CDS-Views Extrahieren von Daten über CDS-Views nach SAP BW/...