For example, create a new CDS view in ABAP development studio and paste the following source code, @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'zstatustext'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#CHECK@EndUserText.label:'system status code and description'defineviewZ_C_Status_Textass...
Let’s have a deep look at stack frame 21: CL_WB_DDLS_SECOBJ_HNDLR_SINGLE->IF_DDIC_WB_DDLS_SECOBJ_HANDLER~ON_ACTIVATION It will first identify which objects must be created based on delta state. For example, if I add @OData.publish: true to an existing CDS view and activate it, ...
It will first identify which objects must be created based on delta state. For example, if I add @OData.publish: true to an existing CDS view and activate it, the corresponding entry will have flag N ( New ) while other existing annotation has type “U” ( Unchanged ). Inside this met...
For example, create a new CDS view in ABAP development studio and paste the following source code, @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zstatustext'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: ***: #***: 'system status code and description'define view Z_C_Status_Text as select from tj02 inner join tj02...
For example, create a new CDS view in ABAP development studio and paste the following source code, @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'zstatustext'@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK@EndUserText.label: 'system status code and description'define view Z_C_Status...
And if you use the same approach described in tutorial part1, you can realize that lots of database tables “DD*” are involved during CDS view activation, for exampleDDLDEPENDENCY. A small tip here is, if you click “Display Object List” button, you will navigate to the package where ...
For example, if I add @OData.publish: true to an existing CDS view and activate it, the corresponding entry will have flag N ( New ) while other existing annotation has type “U” ( Unchanged ). Inside this method, if annotation ODATA.PUBLISH is found, ...
One of supported feature is customer can easily add new fields to extensible CDS view without knowing technical detail. For example, if a given CDS view is marked as “UI Reports” extensible in extensibility registration tcode SCFD_REGISTRY, ...
One of supported feature is customer can easily add new fields to extensible CDS view without knowing technical detail. For example, if a given CDS view is marked as “UI Reports” extensible in extensibility registration tcode SCFD_REGISTRY, ...
could be directly consumed just as a normal CDS view, see example in line 8. Since the table function declares client as parameter, so when consumed, I put the current client id 001 into it. The fields defined as the returning parameters in table function could be used in consuming view....