我们住的酒店就在Santa Cruz Broadwalk旁边,订房时特别说明了我们带了一只小狗,酒店还免费给我们升级了大房间。 🐾 两天一夜的行程安排如下: 周六早上,我们出发去南湾吃Brunch,然后继续往南开。中午到达Felton的Roaring Camp,坐了小火车。我们选择了Redwood Forest Steam Train,火车行程大约一个半小时。复古火车在红树...
1️⃣ Redwood Forest Steam Train - 75分钟 成人:$39.95 儿童(2-12岁):$24.95 穿越红杉林,感受大自然的神奇魅力。登上Bear Mountain山顶,聆听讲解大叔讲述Roaring Camp、铁路和森林的历史。途中会有10分钟的停留时间供大家拍照📸。 2️⃣ Santa Cruz Beach Train - 3小时(2小时往返+1小时海滩玩耍) ...
Hop aboard to explore the Santa Cruz Mountains and the mighty Redwood Forest on a steam locomotive at the Roaring Camp in Felton. How the forest came to be, its vegetation and wildlife, and a veritable history lesson on the old logging railroad illuminate a one-hour ride through one of nat...
That’s because since California’s Gold Rush (beginning in 1848), about 95% of the local redwood forest—which once stretched across the Santa Cruz Mountains—was logged to build (and rebuild) cities like San Francisco, San Jose and beyond. (Coast redwoods can grow 100 feet in their first...
are the tallest trees in the world. They can only be seen in California and Oregon. And the Big Basin Redwoods State Park in Santa Cruz is the perfect place to look at these majestic ancient trees up close. With over 18,000 acres of redwood trees spanning the park and 80 miles of tra...
The redwood forest interpretive graphic, part ofA Field Guide to the Communities of Pogonip, by Kylie Smith. The Pogonip is a beautiful city greenbelt located in Santa Cruz, California, on the eastern edge of theUniversity of California Santa Cruz(UCSC) campus. It contains a variety of plant ...
Redwood SorrelOxalis oregana.Photo couresy of Lauren McEvoy. In early spring, look out for the delicate Fetid Adder’s Tongue that smells of decayed mushrooms. Their undeniable beauty among the darkness of the Redwood forest would never indicate its offensive smell. ...
Friends of Santa Cruz State... New Plan Unveiled to Safeguard Iconic Redwood Parks in Santa Cruz County... New weelili onyenmak Property Helps Protect Endangered... Cotoni-Coast Dairies National Monument A jewel on Santa Cruz’s north coast. ... Pack Your Trash: How Santa Cruz Surfers ...
Located in the redwood forest just outside Santa Cruz, mystery spot will surely be a mystery to you. This circular area of about 150 feet in diameter is a gravitational anomaly in which your conceived notions of the laws of physics and gravity will be questioned. A place where birds fly ...
There are many beautiful locations to elope in the Santa Cruz, Monterey, Carmel & Big Sur area. Santa Cruz One of my favorite locations is the in the Henry Cowell State Park which is a Redwood Forest in the Santa Cruz mountains. There are also many beaches that are great locations for ...