关于“Byington Chardonnay Santa Cruz Mountains Redwood Hill Vineyard ”的酒款综述 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 加利福尼亚州(California)加利福尼亚州占据了美国西海岸2/3的面积。该州跨越10个纬度,地形和气候十分复杂,因此其葡萄种植区域的风土条件也十分多样。加州目前有超过1,730平方公里的葡萄种植面积,葡萄园...
Environmental science Natural recovery of second-growth coast redwood stands in the Santa Cruz mountains SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY William Russell SinclairJeffrey MThe natural recovery of coast redwood forests following a logging event is not fully understood. Recent studies, in the redwood central ...
Located in the Santa Cruz Mountains American Viticulture Association area. Grow and produce your own amazing wine! Unique knoll top location is steps to Martin Ranch Winery and Fernwood Cellars. This property offers the ultimate in privacy. A gated driveway welcomes y...
Fry. 2005. Fire history in coast redwood stands in the northeastern Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Fire Ecology 1(1): 2–19. doi: https://doi.org/10.4996/fireecology.0101002 Article Google Scholar Stoffel, M., and M. Bollschweiler. 2008. Tree-ring analysis in natural hazards research...
Bole char height (mean ± SE) of five most common species across three wildfire sites in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California, USA. Full size image Post-Fire Survival Coast redwood trees exhibited the lowest mortality across all sites (F 4 = 13.889, P < 0.001), followed by Pacific madrone...
and associated tree species, three sites in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California, USA, were sampled following wildfire. Randomly selected 10 m diameter plots were used to collect data on survivorship and post fire regeneration in order to analyze short-term responses including mortality, crown ...
Big Basin Redwoods Park has a variety of micro climates, due to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean and to the Santa Cruz Mountains. Elevations in the park begin at sea level to over 2,000 feet. The climate ranges from foggy and damp near the ocean to sunny, warm ridge tops. Bird watc...
Nestled in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains along the California Coast, Redwood Christian Park not only offers an escape among the forest but easy access to hiking trails, bike trails, quaint towns and beautiful beaches. Clickhereto learn more about our area!