周末不出门就等于浪费了🤣🤣住在加州的privilege就是周边到处都是可以玩的地方,而南湾到Santa Cruz只要一小时车程,就可以爬山,玩水,看海,吸收氧分和阳光🪵📍 Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park北加有很多redwoods公园,风景大同小异,这次就挑了个近的来玩~这个公园可以走trail,且几乎全程都有树荫,还可以玩水,...
🎪Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk(图1-4) 如果你喜欢海边的游乐场,那么Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk绝对是你的不二之选!虽然设施有点老旧,但那些色彩缤纷的游乐设施还是让人难以抗拒。特别是日落时分去,你可以同时享受海景和游乐场的乐趣⚠️注意,这里的游乐设施只在周末开放哦❗🌲Henry Cowell Redwoods State P...
🌳 上周末,我们带着孩子们去了Santa Cruz的红木林,体验了一次难忘的小龙虾抓捕之旅。👨👩👧👦📍 地点是Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park,这里环境幽静,是放松身心的好去处。🌲 我们沿着小径漫步,大约二十分钟后,抵达了山脚的小溪边。清澈的溪水中,小龙虾清晰可见,仿佛在向我们招手。🦞 ...
大盆地红杉州立公园(Big Basin Redwoods State Park)距离旧金山湾区不远。它位于圣何塞市的西南部,圣克鲁兹(Santa Cruz)海滩的北边。 大盆地红杉州立公园是加州最古老的州立公园,创建于1902年,是圣克鲁斯山地(Santa Cruz Mountains)的一颗绿宝石。 大盆地红杉州立公园内的徒步小路长达80 英里/128千米长,蜿蜒在红杉...
Natural History & Community Building in Santa Cruz At the Kenneth... How to Pee in the Woods Leave No Trace principle number 3, ‘Dispose of Waste Properly,’ applies... New Big Basin Redwoods State Park Plan Incorporates Public Input ... Six Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day in Westsid...
Redwoods State Park in Santa Cruz is the perfect place to look at these majestic ancient trees up close. With over 18,000 acres of redwood trees spanning the park and 80 miles of trails, the park is ideal for hikers of all expertise to explore the space at their own pace. One of the...
从Santa Cruz山出发,穿越Redwoods State Park,沿着峡谷,穿过桥梁和隧道,最终到达Santa Cruz海滩。此行程也可反向进行。 停车费:$10,购票时会自动加上。 🏖 第二站:Santa Cruz Beach 驱车前往海滩,享受阳光、沙滩和海风。旁边还有游乐场Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk,可以观赏海狮🦭,甚至可能看到它们吵架哦!🤣 ...
Nestled in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains along the California Coast, Redwood Christian Park not only offers an escape among the forest but easy access to hiking trails, bike trails, quaint towns and beautiful beaches. Clickhereto learn more about our area!
Welcome to the San Lorenzo Valley Post, an independent, local women-owned, community supported online news and event resource and print paper for the SanLorenzo Valley and the Santa Cruz Mountains. Considered and curated content,balanced local reporting,
Santa Cruz is a city designed for relaxation. You can stretch out on beautiful beaches at Natural Bridges State Park, rent sailing boats to tour secluded coves, kayak along the coast or visit natural attractions like Big Basin Redwoods State Park. ...