Tee L. GuidottiJournal of Public Health PolicyJournal of Public Health PolicyGuidotti TL: San Diego County's community right-to-know ordinance: case study of a local approach to hazardous substance control. J Public Health Policy 1984; 5:3%....
Many of the more than 100 people who packed the supervisors’ room at the County Administration Center in downtown San Diego seemed to agree. Patients and medical marijuana advocates turned out in force for the latest round in the county’s years-long struggle to avoid recognizing California’s...
Airbnb & Their Role in the Housing Crisis For cities that have (legitimate) Airbnb concerns that impact affordability, we recommend passing an ordinance that restricts ALL Airbnb rentals, not just ADUs, which make up a tiny segment of the market. Many other cities have adopted this toensure...
The County of San Diego ordinance requiring that all guns be safely stored takes effect Feb. 25, 2022. It requires all guns in homes or structures near a home to either be secured with a trigger lock or be locked away in a container. The only exception is if the firearm is within the...
【参考译文】19世纪60年代末,阿隆佐·霍顿(Alonzo Horton)推动了一个搬迁到海湾区域的行动,他称之为“新城”(New Town),后来成为圣迭戈市中心(Downtown San Diego)。霍顿大力推广这个地区,人们和企业开始搬到新城,因为它位于圣迭戈湾,方便对航运。新城很快超越了被称为老城的原始定居点,成为该市的经济和政府中心。
San Diego County voters approved a TransNet extension which began in 2008 and is set to continue for 40 years until 2048. The Ordinance and Expenditure Plan for the TransNet Extension includes funding for additional major highway, transit, and local street and road projects, as well as environme...
The County Board of Supervisors today voted to spend an additional $25 million to build more affordable housing units in the region. The recommendations include revisions to the Innovative Housing Initiative ordinance to broaden the criteria for use of future monies to provide more opportunities for ...
In this case, it is distressingly clear that the Agency is nothing more than an empty shell through which the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego can exercise its discretion." Nonetheless, deeming itself bound by Richmond, the Court of Appeal reasoned that section 4 is ...
County Residents Asked to Take Public Safety Power Shutoff Survey Jun. 30, 2021 | 9:04 AM Reading Time: < 1 minute The San Diego County Office of Emergency Services is asking all County residents to fill out a survey about the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program. You may als...
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