Tee L. GuidottiJournal of Public Health PolicyJournal of Public Health PolicyGuidotti TL: San Diego County's community right-to-know ordinance: case study of a local approach to hazardous substance control. J Public Health Policy 1984; 5:3%....
Many of the more than 100 people who packed the supervisors’ room at the County Administration Center in downtown San Diego seemed to agree. Patients and medical marijuana advocates turned out in force for the latest round in the county’s years-long struggle to avoid recognizing California’s...
“说实话,我觉得我们被宠坏了,”这位女士在与梦露交谈时补充道。“我姐姐问我,‘我在哪里报名?’”根据最近的估计,圣地亚哥有超过2000人住在街头的帐篷和营地里。周二,圣地亚哥市议会(San Diego City Council)将对拟议中的“不安全露营条例”(Unsafe Camping Ordinance)进行投票,该条例被称为无家可归者露营禁令。
This has been very advantageous for people who are looking to help the housing crisis, have a need to house aging family members, or are looking for a second steady income to help with mortgage payments (check out ourTop 3 Reasons to Build a Granny Flat here!). In recent months, San ...
【参考译文】圣何塞保留了一些墨西哥裔历史传统的壁画,这一传统继承自迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera)和何塞·克莱门特·奥罗兹科(José Clemente Orozco)的墙画作品,被视为公共教科书。 Although intended to be permanent monuments to the city's heritage as a mission town founded in 1777, a number of murals ...
San Diego Voters Approve Ordinance to Raise Minimum Wage and Provide Paid Sick LeaveLaura M Fant
Passing a mandatory inclusionary housing ordinance: Lessons from San Francisco and San Diegodoi:10.5070/BP320111913Deirdre PfeifferUniversity of California, Berkeley