“说实话,我觉得我们被宠坏了,”这位女士在与梦露交谈时补充道。“我姐姐问我,‘我在哪里报名?’”根据最近的估计,圣地亚哥有超过2000人住在街头的帐篷和营地里。周二,圣地亚哥市议会(San Diego City Council)将对拟议中的“不安全露营条例”(Unsafe Camping Ordinance)进行投票,该条例被称为无家可归者露营禁令。
San Diego City Council supercenter ban dead.The article reports that the City Council of San Diego, California, has decided not to override the mayor's veto of a bill that would have restricted certain big stores. The proposed law would have prohibited stores that measure over 90,000 square...
City of San Diego starts full enforcement of Sidewalk Vending Ordinance the City of San Diego has betun enforcing the Sidewalk Vending Ordinance in city beach areas after the ordinance became effective in the Coastal Overlay Zone last month, following certification by the California Coastal Commission ...
San Diego Street Cleaning & Parking Guide Street Sweeping provides two primary benefits to the City. The more obvious benefit is the collection and removal of paper, leaves, and other visible debris that collect in the gutters. This debris can block storm water facilities, causing localized ...
A recent San Diego City Council debate, held to discuss whether a new city ordinance, SB 4, gives taxi companies the right to charge drivers for using their vehicles in multiple platforms, is the first City Council debate on the taxi issue since the City Council last conducted a public ...
Reports on the effort of San Diego, California Mayor Dick Murphy to back an ordinance that increased the library share of the city budget each year. Objectives of Murphy for the city; Contribution of library director Anna Tatar; Letter sent to San Diego city manager Michael Uberluaga in 2003...
The city's airport, San Diego International Airport, is the busiest single-runway airport in the world.[18] 【参考译文】圣迭戈的主要经济引擎包括军事和国防相关活动、旅游业、国际贸易、研究和制造业。该市拥有多所大学,包括加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校(UC San Diego)、圣迭戈州立大学(San Diego State ...
for fire, or police, or parks, or libraries," said Council President Tony Young, who voted to repeal the ordinance after supporting it in December. "It's been a really tough fight, but we also have to keep in mind that we do have a fiduciary responsibility to the city of San Diego....
The election of Donald Trump in November prompted many cities and counties to create their own sanctuary city or county laws, including San Diego County and thecity of Los Angeles. In addition, thestate “Trump-proofed” the existing sanctuary laws, making it more difficult for ICE to get ...
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