reports Matthew T. Hall at theSan Diego Union-Tribune. Two each are in San Dieguito, Alpine and El Cajon. The rest are in Borrego, Campo, Julian and Spring Valley. It’s possible that some locations could hold multiple dispensaries if each complied with the zoning and distance requirements....
August 20, 2019: The State Supreme Court ruled that San Diego violated the California Environmental Quality Act when the city enacted the zoning ordinance for marijuana dispensaries. Click for story plus video... June. 5, 2015: New owners say dump back on track Gregory Canyon landfill gets new...
Bob sat on the first Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Planthold “brought a breadth and depth of knowledge about SF governance and the [Sunshine Ordinance] to our efforts, as well as ideas – and reminders – for how to move us along,” Washburn said. “He was sorely missed when he stepped...
San Clemente is just one of many coastal cities that’s grappling with this conundrum. OC’s southernmost city hasan ordinance banning second story add-ons in Shorecliffs. On the other end of OC’s coastline, Seal Beach repealedits ban on three story homes. In San Diego County,Solana Beach...
In 1994, County voters approved Proposition C, an initiative entitled the "Gregory Canyon Landfill and Recycling Collection Center Ordinance." Proposition C amended the County's general plan and zoning ordinance to designate Gregory Canyon for use as a privately owned solid waste facility. ...