been carried out to find statistically significant determinants of;/pgt;lt;pgt;lt;stronggt;Resultslt;/stronggt;: out of 120 subjects recruited, 108 came back for the evaluation of the skin test; the prevalence of LTBI was 43.5% (47/108 subjects); no active TB cases were ...
2,3 Results of studies4-9 have suggested specificity of the association of inflammation and depression to a subset of depressive symptoms. C-reactive protein and the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 6 (IL-6), an upstream stimulator of CRP production, have been reported to be associated with ...
According to Chi-square test, the percentage of subjects scoring above the cutoff of the first level scales significantly differs by gender, age, occupational role, COVID-19 exposure at work and in their own family, presence of chronic diseases. Similar results are found in mean differences in...
3. Results 3.1. HRV Characteristics Research shows that the HRV is associated with physical fatigue [17–19]. In tthhiiss ppaappeerr, we used the SSaammppEEnnoof fthtehHe RHVRcVhacrhaacrtearcitsetricisti(cRs-P(eRa-kPseasekrsiessearineds RaRndinRteRrvainlstesrevraiels) steoraiensa)lyt...