Wanda Neal Hooper, BSN, MS, RN, CIC, Infection Control Coordinator, VA-Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Nashville, TN Issue: Tuberculosis skin test (TST) documentation in a computerized patient record system (CPRS) that serves a large integrated healthcare system is a challenge. Multiple ...
Click on New Document and choose the file importing option: upload Tb test results form from your device, the cloud, or a secure URL. Make adjustments to the template. Use the top and left panel tools to redact Tb test results form. Insert and customize text, images, and fillable fields...
When no target was added, the aptamer kept its structure, and with ascorbic acid introduction, the copper ions used the stem of the hairpin structure as a template to form fluorescent copper nanoparticles which gave off a high fluorescence intensity. When the target was added, the aptamer lost...
TbMORN1 is essential in the bloodstream form of T. brucei. We now describe the location and function of BHALIN, an essential, new FPC-HC protein. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we show that a newly characterised protein, BHALIN (BILBO1 Hook Associated LINker protein), is localised ...
While they do not develop the disease, latent infected individuals will have a positive reaction to the tuberculin skin test or TB blood test [29]. When the infected individual’s immune system becomes weakened and can no longer contain the latent bacteria, reactivation of latent TB may occur,...
(TV Camera) && 电视摄像头 \\ \midrule Temporal operculum && 颞叶岛盖 \\ \midrule template matching && 模板匹配 \\ \midrule temporal pole && 颞极 \\ \midrule Terje Lømo && 泰耶$\cdot$洛莫 \\ \midrule Terminal cisterna && 终池 \\ \midrule tetrabenazine && 丁苯那嗪 \\ \midrule...
UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell- UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell 是一个方便缓存 UITableViewCell 的高度的框架。 ExpandingStackCells- 采用 UIStackView 实现表格单元格扩展内容显示示例及解决方案。 FDStackView- 可以将 UIStackView 的最低支持版本拉低到 iOS6,无需配置,没有代码侵染,扔到工程里后直接用系统 UI...
When no target was added, the aptamer kept its structure, and with ascorbic acid introduction, the copper ions used the stem of the hairpin structure as a template to form fluorescent copper nanoparticles which gave off a high fluorescence intensity. When the target was added, the aptamer lost...