SAbDab:thestructuralantibodydatabase JamesDunbar 1 ,KonradKrawczyk 1 ,JinwooLeem 1 ,TerryBaker 2 ,AngelikaFuchs 3 , GuyGeorges 3 ,JiyeShi 2 andCharlotteM.Deane 1, * 1 DepartmentofStatistics,UniversityofOxford,1SouthParksRoad,OxfordOX13TG,UK, ...
The Therapeutic Structural Antibody Database (Thera-SabDab; tracks all antibody- and nanobody-related therapeutics recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and identifies any corresponding structures in the Structural Antibody Database (SAbDa...
The Therapeutic Structural Antibody Database (Thera-SAbDab; tracks all antibody- and nanobody-related therapeutics recognized by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and identifies any corresponding structures in the Structural Antibody Database (SAbDab...