B. S100 proteins in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 15, 96-109 (2015).Bresnick AR, Weber DJ, Zimmer DB. S100 proteins in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 2015;15(2):96–109. CentralBresnick AR, Weber DJ, Zimmer DB. S100 proteins in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 2015;15:96–109. Central...
EmberleyEDMurphyLCWatsonPH.S-100proteinsandtheirinfluenceonprosurvivalpathway sincancerJ.BiochemCellBiol2004824508515.9 姬峻芳刘芝华赵立群.S-100蛋白家族与 肿瘤J.国外医学??肿瘤学分册 2002294361363.10HibbsKSkubitzKMPambuccianSEetal.Differentialgeneexpressioninov ...
15、. 2 Donato R.Intracellular and extracellular roles of S100 proteins.Microsc Res Tech 2003;60: 540-551. 3 Mahon PC;Baril P;Bhakta V et al.S100A4 contributes to the suppression of BNIP3 expression,chemoresistance,and inhibition of apoptosis in pancreatic cancer.Cancer Res 2007;67: 6786-67...
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Understanding the intricate signaling network involved in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents a challenge for developing novel therapeutic approaches. Here, we aim to provide novel mechanistic insights on the function of the S100A8/A9-RAGE sy
1.Bresnick AR,Weber DJ, Zimmer DB: S100 proteins in cancer.Nat Rev Cancer2015, 15(2):96-109. 2.Chen H, Xu C, Jin Q, Liu Z: S100 protein family in humancancer.Am J Cancer Res2014,4(2):89-115. 3.Goh ...
S100 proteins in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 2015;15:96–109. Brett W, et al. Translocation of S100A1(1) calcium binding protein during heart surgery. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001;284:698–703. Brinks H, et al. S100A1 genetically targeted therapy reverses dysfunction of human failing...
calcium—bindingproteinsinhumantumorsEJJ.IntJCancer,1996,68 (3):325—332 l9』HauschildA,EngelG,BrennerW,etalS100Bproteindetection inserHD'Iisasignificantprognosticfactorinmetastaticmelanoma[JJ. Oneology,1999,56(4):338—344 [10jRustandiRR,BaldisseriDM,WeberDJ.Structureofthenegative regulatorydom...
proteins.Microsc Res Tech 2003;60: 540-551. [3] Mahon PC;Baril P;Bhakta V et al.S100A4 contributes to the suppression of BNIP3 expression,chemoresistance,and inhibition of apoptosis in pancreatic cancer.Cancer Res 2007; 67: 6786-6795. ...
S100 proteins have been implicated in various aspects of cancer, including epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT), invasion and metastasis, and also in inflammatory disorders. Here we examined the impact of individual members of this family on the invasion of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) ...