serialport/serialport-rs [serialport] - A cross-platform library that provides access to a serial portPlatform specificCross-platform iddm/thread-priority - Simple, crossplatform thread priority management. svartalf/rust-battery - Cross-platform information about the notebook batteries FreeBSD fub...
Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists,深入探索 Rust 的内存管理规则。 Rust by Example Rust by Example— 一组简单的示例,展示了使用 Rust 生态系统的板条箱完成常见编程任务的良好实践。 Rust Online Courses at Classpert— 来自 Classpert Online Course Search 的 Rust 在线课程(付费)列表 面向...
接下来编写接口函数,新建src/handlers/,编写用户表的增删改查代码,同时在代码文件中编写说明文档,提供给Rust标准文档和Swagger UI使用 /// 表示创建新用户的请求体结构 #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, ToSchema)] #[schema(example = json!({ "username": "johndoe", "birthday": "2023-09-09T15:53:...
A example using this library solves the N Queens problem for N = 255 in only few seconds and using less than 1 MB of RAM. pkalivas/radiate - A customizable parallel genetic programming engine capable of evolving solutions for supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning problems. Comes ...
another result of raytracer example原回答: 目前,imagic 正处于初始阶段,仅支持有限的渲染特性: 材质 PBR 材质,支持直接光照及 IBL (基于图像的照明) Unlit 材质 Skybox 材质 自定义材质或自定义 shader HDR 贴图 光源 点光源 IBL 多相机渲染 渲染纹理(RT),支持 2D 渲染纹理,也支持 Cube Texture 作为渲染纹理...
HD44780 - Parallel port - LCD controller HM11 - USART - HM-11 bluetooth module AT configuration crate - HRS3300 - I2C - Heart rate sensor / monitor used in the PineTime smartwatch, for example. - HDC20xx - I2C - Temperature and humidity sensor compatible with HDC2080, HDC2021 and HD...
A example using this library solves the N Queens problem for N = 255 in only few seconds and using less than 1 MB of RAM. innoave/genevo— Execute genetic algorithm (GA) simulations in a customizable and extensible way. willi-kappler/darwin-rs— This library allows you to write ...
A example using this library solves the N Queens problem for N = 255 in only few seconds and using less than 1 MB of RAM. innoave/genevo— Execute genetic algorithm (GA) simulations in a customizable and extensible way. willi-kappler/darwin-rs— This library allows you to write ...
RUST_LOG=errorSERVER_ADDR= config { use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize)] pub struct ExampleConfig { pub server_...
PG.PORT=5432 PG.DBNAME=goods PG.POOL.MAX_SIZE=50 PG.SSL_MODE=Disable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. mod config { use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize)] pub struct ExampleConfig { pub server_addr: String, ...