serialport = "4.6.1"device_query= "2.1.0" Demo代码: usestd::error::Error;usestd::sync::Arc;usetokio::io::{self,AsyncReadExt};usetokio::sync::Mutex;#[tokio::main]asyncfnmain()->Result<(),Box<dynError>>{println!("begin");letserial=serialport::new("COM10",115200).open()?;let...
.port(pg_port).dbname("test").connect(tokio_postgres::NoTls).await .unwrap();tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(error) = connection.await { eprintln!("Connection error: {}", error);} });let _ = client .batch_execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS app_user (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY...
Rust 异步开发中,也能见到单例模式的影子。比如 async-std 中,想要保证运行时的唯一。再比如,在最新...
async fn main() { let baud_rate : u32 = 115200; let serial_port = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| {String::from("/dev/ttyUSB0")}); println!("Open port {serial_port}"); let mut port = tokio_serial::new(serial_port, baud_rate).open_native_async().unwrap_or_else(...
let com= tokio_serial::new(port,9600) .timeout(std::time::Duration::from_millis(70)) .data_bits(tokio_serial::DataBits::Eight) .stop_bits(tokio_serial::StopBits::One) .parity(tokio_serial::Parity::None) .open_native_async();//tokio_serial::SerialPortBuilderExt// let com =tokio_...
ector: An async actor framework for embedded, based on embassy. embassy: A set of embedded async tools to make async/await a first-class option for embedded development embedded-cli: CLI library with autocompletion, subcommands, options, help and history support. embedded-crc-macros: Macros ...
#[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let db: DatabaseConnection = db::establish_connection().await; let db_data = web::Data::new(db); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .app_data(db_data.clone()) .service( web::scope("/api") .service( web...
flosse/rust-sun [sun] - A rust port of the JS library suncalc saurvs/astro-rust - astronomyAsynchronousasync-std [async-std] - Async version of the Rust standard library dpc/mioco - Scalable, coroutine-based, asynchronous IO handling library igumnoff/gabriel2 [gabriel2] - Gabriel2: An...
rustforce/sapper— A lightweight web framework built on async hyper, implemented in Rust language. tiny-http— Low level HTTP server library tomaka/rouille— Web framework in Rust carllerche/tower-web [tower-web]— A fast, boilerplate free, web framework for Rust danclive/sincere— A...
flosse/rust-sun [sun] - A rust port of the JS library suncalc saurvs/astro-rust - astronomy Asynchronous async-std [async-std] - Async version of the Rust standard library dagrs - A high-performance asynchronous task programming framework, which follows the concept of Flow based Programming...