On August 18th, the 8thXuhui Binjiang Rule of Law Forum was grandly held at the Renaissance Hotel in Caohejing, Xuhui District, Shanghai. Beijing Unitalen Law Firm participated in this forum as a co-organizer. At the forum, the organizer, Legal Vision, released theGuidelines for Excellent Int...
Rule of Law Forum Re: Proposals Relating to the Rule of Law in China The following are the proposals ofthe Rule of Law Forum for the promotion of the Rule of Law in China: 1. Restrict Access to Judges and Judges Access to Others during Litigation (a) To amend the law so as to pro...
聚焦全球经济发展需求,共商共建高水平开放规则体系,为构建更加开放、透明、可预测的国际营商环境贡献智慧与力量。As one of the three parallel forums of the Global Business and Law Conference, the theme of the Forum is “Dispute Res...
On August 18th, the 8thXuhui Binjiang Rule of Law Forum was grandly held at the Renaissance Hotel in Caohejing, Xuhui District, Shanghai. Beijing Unitalen Law Firm participated in this forum as a co-organizer. At the forum, the organizer, Legal Vision, released theGuidelines for Excellent Int...
Keywords On August 18th, the 8thXuhui Binjiang Rule of Law Forum was grandly held at the Renaissance Hotel in Caohejing, Xuhui District, Shanghai. Beijing Unitalen Law Firm participated in this forum as a co-organizer. At the forum, the organizer, Legal Vision, released theGuidelines for ...
“法治”(the Rule of Law)这一术语应当与“法律规则”(a rule of law)相区分,后者惯用于指代某些特定的法律规则,譬如反对永续年金(perpetuities)或规定我们必须在某个日期之前报税的规则。这些是法律的规则,但法治是我们的政治道德理想之一,它指的是法律自身及法律体系的机构在治理体系中所拥有的至上的地位。
2016 IBA Rule of Law ForumHomer E. Moyer, Jr
外文全称:World Forum on Rule of Law in Internet 中文译名:世界互联网法治论坛 背景介绍:12月5日上午,由最高人民法院主办的世界互联网法治论坛在世界互联网大会永久举办地——乌镇开幕。本次论坛的主题是“以法治方式推动建立网络空间命运共同体”。这是我国法院首次主办世界互联网法治论坛,也是全球首次举办的以互联...
【活动通知】全球工商法治大会“法治与开放论坛” The Rule of Law and Opening-up Forum 作为全球工商法治大会设置的三大平行论坛之一,本次论坛以“争议解决和全球经济共赢”为主题,围绕“相伴而行:全球法治建设护航高水平对外开放”和...
“法治”(the Rule of Law)这一术语应当与“法律规则”(a rule of law)相区分,后者惯用于指代某些特定的法律规则,譬如反对永续年金(perpetuities)或规定我们必须在某个日期之前报税的规则。这些是法律的规则,但法治是我们的政治道德理想之一,它指的是法律自身及法律体系的机构在治理体系中所拥有的至上的地位。