“法治”(the Rule of Law)这一术语应当与“法律规则”(a rule of law)相区分,后者惯用于指代某些特定的法律规则,譬如反对永续年金(perpetuities)或规定我们必须在某个日期之前报税的规则。这些是法律的规则,但法治是我们的政治道德理想之一,它指的是法律自身及法律体系的机构在治理体系中所拥有的至上的地位。 法治...
“法治”(the Rule of Law)这一术语应当与“法律规则”(a rule of law)相区分,后者惯用于指代某些特定的法律规则,譬如反对永续年金(perpetuities)或规定我们必须在某个日期之前报税的规则。这些是法律的规则,但法治是我们的政治道德理想之一,它指的是法律自身及法律体系的机构在治理体系中所拥有的至上的地位。 法治...
Therulesoflaw 选修二第四单元Reading TMZ助力教与学 Haveyoueverwonderedwhenandwherethelaworiginated?Around12,000yearsagointheMiddleEast,smallpermanentfarmingcommunitieswereestablished,changingtraditionalnomadichuntergathererlifestyles.Differentgroupswerecloselylivingtogetheranddealingwithunfamiliarbehaviours,beliefsandattitudes...
《英语-西班牙语法律用语词典》(Diccionario de Términos Jurídicos Inglés-Español Editorial Ariel)在rule 词条中,the rule of law (CONST el estado de derecho, el imperio de la ley), rules of law (GRAL normas jurídicas) 西班牙法律翻译网站 (traduccionjuridica.es) 网页上对该词条解释说道,西班牙...
Unit 4 Law and order Reading The rules of law The law is the scales of a nation, and the yardstick of a society. — Wu Jing 法,国之权衡也,时之准绳也。 — 吴兢(唐) (1) Define the law and summarize those functions? (2) What is the most important function of the law? Why? the...
a你们晚上吃的什么 You evening eat any[translate] aEven so, it may be worthwhile to consider a few of Holmes' well-known 即使如此,认为一些Holmes的知名也许是值得的[translate] a"the rules of law are or should be based upon a morality which is %[translate]...
rule of manrule of the peopleskepticismChinese lawenforcementWestern lawcultureThe West believes that without formal legal rules (the rule of law), how society operates is not transparent. This opaqueness in how things get done discourages trade, including foreign investment, which in turn makes ...
In "Legal Theory and the Rule of Law" Noel Reynolds maintains that the rule of law can be understood as a set of conditions that rational actors would impose on any authority they would create to act in their stead in creating and administering legally binding rules. The authority and ...
Antonin Scalia.The Rule of Law as a Law of Rule.The University of Chicago Law Review. 1989Scalia, Antonin. 1989. "The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules." University of Chicago Law Review 56: 1175.Antonin Scalia. The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules[J].U CHI L REV,1989.117....
Party rules and regulations. 八是坚持处理好全面依法治国的辩证关系。全面依法治国必须正确处理政治和法治、改革和法治、依法治国和以德治国、依法治国和依规治党的关系。社会主义法治必须坚持党的领导,党的领导必须依靠社会主义法治。“改革与法治如鸟之两翼、车之两轮”,要坚持在法治下推进改革,在改革中完善法治。要...