How toshare filesusingWebRTCData Channel (RTP/SCTP) APIs? HOME©Muaz Khan.@WebRTCWeb.Github.Latest issues.What's New? Star11,866Fork3,946Follow @muaz-khan3,724 This tutorial isout-dated (written in 2013). Please check this tutorial instead:
Receive stream through WebSockets in Node.JS Convert the stream Send it as something acceptable by XBMC/Kodi (say RTP) The last 2 bits are the hardest and I have no idea how to do that. Could someone help me? node.js webrtc xbmc...
Following discussion here, can we add a new method to the RTCRtpReceiver, called setTargetJitterBufferDelay. It would allow to provide a preference for the user agent for the target jitter buffer delay, but depending on the congestion co...