rtl-sdr 1. zadig 到 https://zadig.akeo.ie/ 下载 zadig-2.8.exe 下载地址: https://github.com/pbatard/libwdi/releases/download/v1.5.0/zadig-2.8.exe 2. zadig driver Options -> List All Device 选择Bulk-In, Interface(Interface 0) -> 显示USB ID 0BDA 2838 -> 点击 Install Driver 切换驱动 ...
When you plug your RTL device in for the first time,Windows may request a driver or automatically install a driver from Microsoft-this is OK as it will be replaced in the next few steps.Don't install the software on the CD that comes with the device.Download the latest version of Zadig...
RTL-SDR-BLOG Windows Release V1.1 have some small lags issues in SDR#, for example when you move the Gain RF sometimes the changes are not applied instantly or sometimes when you change frequencies fastly the spectrum does not change ins...
插上电视棒,运行zadig>点击 Options > 勾选 List All Devices 选择RTL2832U > 点击 install Driver 即可,其他参数不要改动,我这里应为安装过了,所以是Reinstall Driver。有的系统会自己安装一个RTL2832U的驱动,不过这些都不重要,一律替换为WinUSB驱动 至此驱动安装完毕!SDR#安装 SDR#是个绿色软件,直接解压...
乐鑫 RTL-SDR 和 SDR-Sharp 和 CubicSDR 入门指南说明书 Getting Started with RTL-SDR and SDR- Sharp and CubicSDR Created by lady ada https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-rtl-sdr-and-sdr-sharp Last updated on 2023-08-29 02:32:35 PM EDT ©Adafruit Industries Page 1 of 22 ...
中文版的RTL-SDR入门指南,翻译自英文网站. Contribute to Knighthana/Chinese-RTL-SDR-QuickStart-Guide development by creating an account on GitHub.
RTL-SDR驱动安装 技术标签:RTL-SDRRaspberryPi 查看原文 我用RTL2832U+R820T电视棒收听广播和看飞机的过程 ://zadig.findmysoft.com/download/ 3、安装驱动(1)运行zadig>点击Options> 勾选ListAllDevices(注:Options中按下图勾选) (2)设备选择RTL2832U,绿色箭头右边默认 winusb即可,点击installDriver。按道理...
1. rtl-sdr driver # 安装依赖 sudo apt install build-essential cmake usbutils libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config # 获取源码 git clone https://github.com/osmocom/rtl-sdr.git cd rtl-sdr # 编译 mkdir build && cd build cmake -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON -DDETACH_KERNEL_DRIVER=ON ../ ...
让我想起了正在做的windows Mobile 6.5的RIL项目,WMRIL Driver采用的是简单队列来存储UI和Modem发来的各种command,而且二者顺序不能打乱,乱了就不得了了。(回想起来,之前有个BUG就因为顺序原因,照成Modem 睡眠后,很难被唤醒,唤醒了又注册不上网络,这个BUG我们几个解了N天才找到原因,然后五分钟就解了。哎!
第一個您可以用來控制接收器的軟體是SDR#。這也許是最廣泛使用的通用SDR了。它可以在Windows上運行,並且是完全免費的。該軟體的使用方法相對簡單,即使是初學者也易於上手。SDR#的最大優點是可以添加大量的外掛程式。 圖3:SDR# 在上圖中,您可以看到其環境的外觀。左側是控制台,頂部是...