RTL-SDR设备 电脑环境 电脑系统版本:windows 10 教育版 1903(具体版本18362.476) 电脑需要先配置ffmpeg环境变量,请参见博客“windows下配置ffmpeg环境变量”。 步骤 1、先下载windows下的rtl-sdr.exe 下载地址: https://ftp.osmocom.org/binaries/windows/rtl-sdr/ 里面有很多个版本,我下载的是“rtl-sdr-64bit-20...
import pyrtlsdr 如果没有报错,说明 pyrtlsdr 已经成功安装在你的 Windows 电脑上。你现在可以使用 pyrtlsdr 来与 RTL-SDR 设备进行通信和信号处理了。需要注意的是,pyrtlsdr 的正常运行还需要依赖 librtlsdr C 库和相关的动态链接库(DLL)。在 Windows 上,这些依赖项通常会自动安装,但如果你遇到问题,可能需要...
Specifications: Finished Products: Yes, ready for immediate use OS Support: Windows 7-10, Linux, Mac, Android With LNA: Yes, includes Low noise amplifier Main Feature: DVB-T +DAB+FM+SDR RTL2832U R82T2 TCXO + HF Software: Compatible with SDR#, HDSDR, SDR-Radio, GQRX, or SDR Touch on...
另,原文地址在此:http://rtlsdr.org/softwarewindows Installing SDR# Manual To install SDR#manually in Windows you need4things:在Windows上安装SDR#需要做的准备 A compatible Realtek RT2832U device一只Realtek RT2832U电视棒 Zadig电视棒的开源驱动 SDR#SDR#软件 A functioning Windows XP or better PC....
MELERIX commented Jul 10, 2023 RTL-SDR-BLOG Windows Release V1.1 have some small lags issues in SDR#, for example when you move the Gain RF sometimes the changes are not applied instantly or sometimes when you change frequencies fastly the spectrum does not change instantly. Owner rtlsdrblo...
创建新的虚拟机,安装程序光盘映像文件(iso)与GNU Radio Live SDR环境映像 打开虚拟机 从链接下载xaelsouth-rtl-wmbus-master.zip:https://github.com/xaelsouth/rtl-wmbus 安装rtl-wmbusDecoder 步骤2:Installa 安装rtl-wmbus: 从链接:https://github.com下载xaelsouth-rtl-wmbus-master.zip/xaelsouth/rtl-wm...
用RTL-SDR接收FM广播信号(R820T2芯片) 文件,再打开SDRSharp.exe(之前没有运行install-rtlsdr.bat的时候一直找不到我的设备) 打开后需要设置这几个地方1.Source选为RTL-SDR(USB) 2.勾选WFM...心血来潮搞了个RTL-SDR来简单玩玩,用电脑接收FM广播信号,结果遇到一些问题,网上的相关教程说的不是很清楚,这里记录...
software installed on my host machine, then I'd like to try to listen to some local FM radio stations to verify my RTL-SDR dongle works properly. Since I'm using Mac OS, the best option for interface software is GNU Radio with the GNU OsmoSDR device library installed (which contains ...
lab216 2018-05-19 10:24:07 利用AD936x+ZYNQ搭建收音机【二】 想办法将天线接到SDR的RX接口。收音机软件使用-SDR#(SDRSharp)SDRSharp下载设置指南-以RTL-SDR为例SDRSharp是 Windows((在Windows 10/8/7 新星之火12138 2022-08-25 16:18:03
<content type="html" xml:base="https://www.rtl-sdr.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=20521#p20521"> <![CDATA[ Hi all,I'm new and have a question. Windows 10, rtl_fm and sox on the machine. Could you help me with the command line to put nfm frequency to the default audio device?