[ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. [ 9.430789] omap_wdt: OMAP Watchdog Timer Rev 0x01: initial timeout 60 sec [ 9.608922] 47401300.usb-phy supply vcc not found, using dummy regulator [ 9.707196] rtc-ds1307 0-0068: rtc core: registered ds3231 as rtc0 [ OK ] Starte...
buf[M41T80_REG_SEC] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_sec);//10进制转bcd码 buf[M41T80_REG_MIN] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_min); buf[M41T80_REG_HOUR] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_hour); buf[M41T80_REG_DAY] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_mday); buf[M41T80_REG_MON] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_mon + 1); buf[M41T80_...
#include <linux/reboot.h> #include <linux/rtc.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h>#define JZ_REG_RTC_CTRL 0x00 #define JZ_REG_RTC_SEC 0x04 #define JZ_REG_RTC_SEC_ALARM 0x08 #define JZ_REG_RTC_REGULATOR 0x0C ...
You can pair device with go2rtc on the HomeKit page. If you can't see your devices - reload the page. Also try reboot your HomeKit device (power off). If you still can't see it - you have a problems with mDNS.If you see a device but it does not have a pair button - it ...
Enable the ‘hwclock.sh’ script (part of util-linux), instead: 1 update-rc.d hwclock.shenable It’s now time to boot the new kernel. When you reboot, the RasClock will be available as /dev/rtc0. 1 dmesg The kernel ring buffer should list something like this: ...
Testing this a couple of times I noticed that sometimes it can enable the rtc (and working rtc) but later on (same image, same kernel etc.) after a cold reboot it can not enable the rtc. So me and my colleagues discussed this, but can not figure it out. - Is this a timing based...
可以寫入硬體RTC。但 reboot 之後,時間一樣 reset 到 2000年 1月1號。 我確認過 rtc_pwronrstn , pmic_power_en, rtc_kaldo_enn, rtc_pwronrstn 了,也用別的BSP驗證電池是有電的,硬體沒有問題,是軟體問題,請問我還可以去哪裡修改? 謝謝。以下為開機訊息。
etc. */ struct rtc_time { int tm_sec; int tm_min; int tm_hour; int tm_mday; int tm_mon; int tm_year; int tm_wday; int tm_yday; int tm_isdst; }; /* * This data structure is inspired by the EFI (v0.92) wakeup * alarm API. */ struct rtc_wkalrm { unsigned char ...
You can pair device with go2rtc on the HomeKit page. If you can't see your devices - reload the page. Also try reboot your HomeKit device (power off). If you still can't see it - you have a problems with mDNS.If you see a device but it does not have a pair button - it ...
[ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. [ 9.430789] omap_wdt: OMAP Watchdog Timer Rev 0x01: initial timeout 60 sec [ 9.608922] 47401300.usb-phy supply vcc not found, using dummy regulator [ 9.707196] rtc-ds1307 0-0068: rtc core: registered ds3231 as rtc0 [ OK ] Starte...