rst:0x10 (rtcwdt_rtc_reset) 是ESP32启动日志中常见的复位原因表示。这里的 rst 表示复位(Reset),而 0x10 是复位原因的代码。rtcwdt_rtc_reset 指的是由实时时钟看门狗(RTC Watchdog Timer)触发的复位。 可能原因: 软件未按时喂狗:在设备长时间处于低功耗模式(如深度睡眠)时,若主CPU未能按时重置看门狗计时器...
原因分析: 经查是连接4G模块的串口影响。esp32 的GPIO12/13与4G模块的串口相连,GPIO12为Strapping管脚,上电后由于4G模块的串口的影响,电压为2.5V。对比具体要求: 改变了下拉状态,造成重启。 解决方案: 串口改为 的GPIO14/15后正常。 转:ESP32处于无限重启状态,串口消息rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x33...
However, when I attempted to save energy by replacing `delay()` with light sleep at the end of my `loop()`, the ESP32-S3 started rebooting, reporting an RTCWDT_RTC_RESET error. From my research, it seems that the WDT_RTC generates a timeout to prevent the system from sleeping ...
However, when I attempted to save energy by replacing `delay()` with light sleep at the end of my `loop()`, the ESP32-S3 started rebooting, reporting an RTCWDT_RTC_RESET error. From my research, it seems that the WDT_RTC generates a timeout to prevent the system from sleeping ...
RTC is reset, BIOS setup default has been loaded”,“strike the F1 to continue ,F2 to run the setup utility”, 主板实时时钟重置,BIOS 恢复默认,按F1继续 一般是主板检测到设置有问题,可能就恢复了BIOS,导致提示这样的信息 你进系统。
每次开机出现RTC is reset,按F1后进入,发现电脑时间不对了 开机的黑屏进入系统的时候首先出现以下两句话,不知道怎么回事,然后按F1就可以正常进入系统了,“RTCisreset,BIOSsetupdefaulthasbeenloaded”,“striketheF1tocontinue,F2torunt... 开机的黑屏进入系统的时
Re: RTCWDT_RTC_RESET on light sleep Quote PostbyCamargoF»Sun Sep 22, 2024 5:27 pm As I mentioned before, the product was running without any problem, until I tried to activate the light sleep. The power supply looks fine. I was not able to detect any glitch. ...
Re: RTCWDT_RTC_RESET on light sleep Quote PostbyCamargoF»Sun Sep 22, 2024 5:27 pm As I mentioned before, the product was running without any problem, until I tried to activate the light sleep. The power supply looks fine. I was not able to detect any glitch. ...