staticintwritespeed(intfd,char*buff_ptr,unsignedinttotal_length,intblock_size){intindex, length;rt_tick_ttick;/* prepare write data */for(index =0; index < block_size; index++) { buff_ptr[index] = index; } index =0;/* get the beginning tick */tick =rt_tick_get();while(index ...
由于全局变量 rt_tick 在每经过一个时钟节拍时,值就会加 1,通过调用 rt_tick_get 会返回当前 rt_tick的值,即可以获取到当前的时钟节拍值。此接口可用于记录系统的运行时间长短,或者测量某任务运行的时间。接口函数如下: rt_tick_t rt_tick_get(void); 下表描述了 rt_tick_get() 函数的返回值: 2、定...
可以发现在void SysTick_Handler()这个函数中,首先会执行中断入口函数,然后void rt_tick_increase对rt_tick(系统滴答时钟,初值为0,静态全局变量)进行自加操作,会记录从启动到现在的时钟节拍数 2、void rt_tick_increase() 也就是说,系统滴答定时器中断处理函数会每1ms触发一次systick定时器中断 3、rt_tick_get(...
rt_tick_trt_tick_get(void) 案例 #include<rtthread.h>#define DBG_TAG "main"#define DBG_LVL DBG_LOG#include<rtdbg.h>intmain(void){//获得rt_tick的数目,数目对应的是中断函数执行次数while(1){//每隔一个时钟节拍时间(???1ms),打印系统的时钟节拍数rt_tick_tnum=rt_tick_get();LOG_D("NUM=...
rt_tick_t rt_tick_get(void); 为了巩固一下上面的内容,我们来简单的做个测试,因为测试比较简单,我就直接上图: 当RT_TICK_PER_SECOND为1000的时候,就表示我们设置系统节拍为 1ms,那么 tick 的值就是 1ms 加一次,所以延时 1000ms 以后,是增加1000。
current_tick = rt_tick_get(); /* * It supposes that the new tick shall less than the half duration of * tick max. */ if ((current_tick - t->timeout_tick) < RT_TICK_MAX / 2) { RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_timer_enter_hook, (t)); ...
tick = rt_tick_get(); /* 试图持有信号量,最大等待10个OS Tick后返回 */ result = rt_sem_take(&static_sem, 10); //获取 if (result == -RT_ETIMEOUT) { /* 超时后判断是否刚好是10个OS Tick */ if (rt_tick_get() - tick != 10) ...
{if(rt_tick_get() - tick !=10) { rt_sem_detach(&static_sem);return; } rt_kprintf("take semaphore timeout\n"); }else{ rt_kprintf("take a static semaphore, failed.\n"); rt_sem_detach(&static_sem);return; }/*release the semaphore*/rt_sem_release(&static_sem);/*wait the sem...
当中断到来时,将调用一次rt_tick_increase();,而在中断函数中调用 rt_tick_increase() 对全局变量 rt_tick 进行自加,如下代码: 1/** 2 * This function will notify kernel there is one tick passed. Normally, 3 * this function is invoked by clock ISR. ...
tick = rt_tick_get(); while (rt_tick_get() - tick < (RT_TICK_PER_SECOND / 2)); rt_mutex_release(mutex); } int pri_inversion(void) { // 创建互斥锁 mutex = rt_mutex_create("mutex", RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); if (mutex == RT_NULL) ...