12月14日,RT在报道中提及情况时表示,该制裁措施出台之际,RT及其德语分部RT Deutsch正因发布西方口中的所谓“宣传鼓吹”和“克里姆林宫的议题”,受到西方官员和媒体的抨击。RT报道指出,尽管RT与俄罗斯卫星通讯社(Sputnik)等主要俄媒已在欧盟内部被禁播。但“德国编辑部网络”(RND)网站进行的一项研究显示,许...
People sayand it's quality news everybody should go to rt,wake up world your only getting half the story,great alternative news source with diverse perspectives and great depth. If you like RT News (Russia Today) you'll also enjoy: The Guardian, BBC News, Fox News, News Republic – Bre...
© Evgeny Biyatov © Sputnik Earlier this week, President Macron’s “fake news” reproach itself became the “fake news” heard ‘round the world. The Macron campaign spent months accusing RT of spreading “fake news” about their candidate, yet failed to provide a single example of such...