What was Explorer 1?Question:What was Explorer 1?The Start of the Space RaceWith the October 4, 1957 launch of the satellite Sputnik 1 the Soviet Union kicked off a space race with the United States. In less than a year the United States government had created NASA to focus its space ...
Why was Sputnik so significant to both the Soviets and the Americans? Why did Cuba fight Spain in the Spanish-American War? Why were internment camps established in the United States? Why did Truman order the Berlin Airlift? Why was the Battle of Iwo Jima important for America? Why was Am...
Engineer Mark Kryder's explanation is that this "twice as better every two years" is an artifact of corporate structure where most of these inventions happen. It just takes 1-2 years of calendar time to conceive, design, prototype, test, manufacture and market a new improvement, and while ...
Kilroy Was Hereis adystopian futuristic storyin the manner ofOrwell'sclassic1984or (more appropriately, I think)Logan's Run. It is the take of a renegaderock starnamed Robert Orin Charles Kilroy (played by lead singerDennis De Young—note the initials!). In this nightmarish future,rock music...