1957, a Soviet R-7 intercontinental ballistic missilelaunched Sputnik(Russian for “traveling companion”), the world’s first artificial satellite and the first man-made object to be placed into the Earth’s orbit. Sputnik’s launch came as a surprise, and not a pleasant one, to most Americ...
Great thread, everyone has a story worth a LIKE. I was born in 1948. My father was an oceanographer and as child, he would teach us the constellations. I remember going outside to see if we could see Sputnik. On camping trips to Baja California as a teenager, we camped in places tha...
Erwin Biswanger / Heinrich George / 德国 / 弗里茨·朗 / 153分钟 / 210分钟(德国初剪版) / 93分钟(德国重映版) / 114分钟(美国1927年剪辑版) / 123分钟(美国2002年修复版) / 80分钟(GiorgioMoroder版) / 150分钟(2010年修复版) / 大都会 / 剧情 / 科幻 / 特娅·冯·哈堡 Thea von Harbou / ...
ssail (浙江杭州) 执拗Noel (北京) 易水寒 (北京) LOUI$ JHendrix Paul Chan AKB南那推 (安徽黄山) 陈伟 子鱼♥TJ (上海) ?蘇醒醒醒w BruceYan (北京) 花子 (山西大同) Wybierz 海边的伯勒斯 (江苏南京) 学笑堂Shelton (浙江温州) Sputnik1 ...