PCR有很多种,其中RT-PCR,全称反转录聚合酶链反应(reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, RT...
Allows fast, efficient synthesis of cDNA for real-time PCR. This kit is designed for two-step real-time RT-PCR. Includes random 6-mers and oligo dT primer for use as reverse transcription primers. The reaction can be performed using one or a mixture of these two primer types; a...
Adding the Dynabeads-mRNA complex directly to the RT-PCR offers benefits: Elution, and thereby dilution, of the mRNA is avoided. With mRNA hybridized to the beads, the bead-bound oligo-dT act as primers for first strand cDNA synthesis, producing a bead-bound cDNA library. Construction...
RNA concentration, quality, and purity could not be accurately determined using the NanoDrop Spectrophotometer because the RNA concentration was near the instrument’s lower limit of detection (2 ng/µL). However, there was sufficient RNA to perform quantitative ...
Figure 10.3.4 Schematic drawing showing the steps of reverse transcription PCR reaction. mRNA is depicted as a gray line, while DNA is black. RT: reverse transcriptase; Taq: thermostable DNA polymerase. In the ?rst step, RT transcribes a DNA copy of the message RNA using a poly-dT primer...
Final concentration ADVANCED 1 STEP MIX 25 ul 1X Forward primer (10 uM) 2.0 ul 400 nM Reverse primer (10 uM) 2.0 ul 400 nM 20 X RTase 2.5 ul 1 X Template RNA total RNA :1 pg to 1ug mRNA :> 0.01 pg mRNA variable Add PCR grade water up to 50 ul final volume 3 Progr...
表1 检测TiLV和NNV的dRT-PCR的引物浓度筛选试验Table 1 Optimal concentration of dRT-PCR primers for TiLV and NNV detection simultaneously 1.8 dRT-PCR检测方法退火温度筛选 按照优化的反应体系配制试剂,平均分装到7个PCR反应管中。退火温度依次设定为54,56...
including primer-dimers and other non-specific reaction products, which results in an overestimation of the target concentration. For single PCR product reactions with well designed primers, SYBR Green can work extremely well, with spurious non-specific background only showing up in very late cycles...
PCR 实验技术交流论坛:https://bbs.bbioo.com/forum-143-1.html Priming 1st strand synthesis General: Oligo dT, anchored dT (3’ bias, library construction, 3’ RACE) Random Primers (non biased distribution) Gene Specific Primers (more sensitivity?) ...