在执行 rsync 时会提示skipping non-regular file 。。。 的内容,原因是原文件夹中包含软链接导致,可以忽略。 rsync -rvtO --delete /media/u2/downloads/ /media/uu2/downloads/ sending incremental file list skipping non-regular file "devsoft/lamp/ZendStudio/zs/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjsig.so" s...
如果执行 rsync 时提示skipping non-regular file……,检查下原文件夹中是否包含软链接 修改下脚本文件: rsync -va ... -a == -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
skipping non-regular file “vendor/bin/doctrine” skipping non-regular file “vendor/bin/doctrine.php” sent 1990 bytes received 489209 bytes 327466.00 bytes/sec total size is 182515746 speedup is 371.57 原因: source源文件有软链接。 解决方法: 修改为 rsync -va,其中 -a == -rlptgoD (no -H,-...
Various patch files for rsync that get updated with each new rsync release. Patches go here to simmer and see if they'll make it into the main release. See the individual patch files to check if the patch is preliminary and/or untested. - rsync-patches
packaging popt support testhelp testsuite zlib .gitignore COPYING Doxyfile INSTALL Makefile.in NEWS OLDNEWS README TODO access.c acls.c authenticate.c backup.c batch.c byteorder.h case_N.h checksum.c chmod.c cleanup.c clientname.c
"(Skipping batched update for%s \"%s\")\n", redoing ? " resend of" : "", fname); discard_receive_data(f_in, file); file->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT; continue; } } remember_initial_stats(); if (!do_xfers) { /* log the transfer */ log_item(FCLIENT, file, i...
如果执行rsync时提示 skippingnon-regularfile……,检查下原文件夹中是否包含软链接修改下脚本文件:rsync-va...-a==-rlptgoD(no-H,-A,-X)&nbs
rsync运行时出现skipping non-regular file 如果执行 rsync 时提示skipping non-regular file……,检查下原文件夹中是否包含软链接 修改下脚本文件: rsync -va ... -a == -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
# rm -rf test2# rsync -av --no-l test1/ test2/sending incremental file listcreated directory test2skipping non-regular file "123.txt"./123sent 234 bytes received 144 bytes 756.00 bytes/sectotal size is 13 speedup is 0.03 1. 上例中使用了-v选项,跳过了非普通文件123.txt。其实123.txt是一...