除非你加了其他选项,不然rsync就只复制文件,不复制目录,此时复制名为dir的目录你就会收到以下信息:skipping directory dir 复制目录 想要完整地、递归地传输整个目录——包括符号链接、权限、模式、设备——那就用-a选项。 rsync -a dir user@host:destination_dir #执行过后,host机器的destination_dir下就会有了目录...
rsync skipping directory # 实现"rsync skipping directory"的流程 在使用rsync进行文件同步时,有时候我们希望跳过某些指定的文件夹或目录,可以通过参数来实现。下面将详细介绍如何在rsync中跳过指定目录的操作。 ## 步骤 | 步骤编号 | 步骤名称 | 操作 | |---|---|---| | 1 | 安装rsync | 安装rsync工具 ...
If you have been working with the Rsync command for a while, you have likely encountered the error “skipping directory.” Rsync throws this error on the Terminal when it can’t sync/copy a specified directory. Take a look at the example below. We have a “backup” directory that we wis...
问题1:在client上遇到问题: rsync -auzv –progress –password-file=/etc/rsync.pas[email protected]::backup /home/ rsync: could not open password file “/etc/rsync.pas”: No such file or directory (2) Password: @ERROR: auth failed on module backup rsync error: error starting client-server...
rsync: could not open password file "/etc/rsync.pas": No such file or directory (2)Password:@ERROR: auth failed on module backup rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1506) [Receiver=3.0.7]遇到这个问题:client端没有设置/etc/rsync.pas这个⽂件,⽽在...
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory *** sent 46 bytes received 15 bytes 122.00 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1039) [sender=3.0.6] ...
rsync: recv_generator: mkdir XXXX (inXXXX) failed: Permission denied (13)*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory *** 如图 彻底解决这种报错的办法就是永久关闭SELinux 首先查看SELinux状态: bash [root@gcstszlinux ~]# getenforceEnforcing#这里显示SELinux是开启状态,我们需要将其永久关闭 ...
rsyncerror: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(124) [receiver=3.0.5] 检查服务器的端口netstat ?tunlp,远程telnet测试。 可能因为客户端或者服务端的防火墙开启 导致无法通信,可以设置规则放行 rsync(873端口) 或者直接关闭防火墙。 关服务端selinux 和iptabs 防火墙 ...
mkdir "/helper" (in xxx.xxx.com) failed: Permission denied (13) *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory *** rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/mail" (in xxx.xxx.com) failed: Permission denied (13) *** Skipping any
created directory test2 skipping non-regular file "123.txt" ./ 1 2 3 sent 234 bytes received 144 bytes 756.00 bytes/sec total size is 13 speedup is 0.03 上例中使用了-v选项,跳过了非普通文件123.txt。其实123.txt是一个软连接文件,如果不使用-l选项,系统则不理会软连接文件。虽然加-l选项能复制...