1. "file has vanished"在rsync中的含义 在rsync的上下文中,"file has vanished"是一个错误信息,它表明rsync在尝试访问或同步一个文件时,该文件在源位置已经不存在了。这通常发生在rsync在检查文件列表和实际同步文件之间存在时间差的情况下,尤其是在涉及网络同步或源目录被外部程序修改时。 2. 分析可能导致"file ...
1.file has vanished: "/crx-quickstart/repository/repository/datastore/tmp/upload2358902225285307139.tmp" (in server_data)A: 这个报错表示,rsync同步开始时标记这个文件需要同步,真正去同步的时候,发现这个文件不存在了,可能是这个过程中,该文件被源端删除了。遇到这个错误,不影响rsync的备份结果,只不过rsync的执行...
记一次rsync日志报错directory has vanished 中午两点的时候邮件告知rsync同部svn源库失败,看rsync日志报错显示如上,当时还在上课,没在公司,怀疑是不是有人动了svn的版本库,后来询问同事并通过vpn登录服务器上查看版本库是正常的,也没有同事反应svn有问题,后来看邮件通知都是正常的,后来查资料说是在同步的过程中,正好...
!/bin/bash ignoreexit=24 ignoreout='^(file has vanished: |rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred)'set -o pipefail rsync "$@" 2>&1 | (egrep -v "$ignoreout" || true)a=$?if [ $a == $ignoreexit ]; then exit 0 else exit $a fi ...
请教一个rsync的问题 #!/bin/bashignoreexit=24ignoreout='^(file has vanished: |rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred)'set -o pipefailrsync $@ 2>&1 | (egrep -v $ignoreout || true)a=$?if [ $a == $ignoreexit ]; then ex
file has vanished: "/Volumes/Time Capsule/Music/..localized.00VmGc" file has vanished: "/Volumes/Time Capsule/Music/..localized.01SmGc" ... file has vanished: "/Volumes/Time Capsule/Music/..localized.zyVmGc" file has vanished: "/Volumes/Time Capsule/Music/..localized.zzSmGc" file has ...
# 一定要加上它, 否則會有 @ERROR Invalid UID nobody.uid=0gid=0# 如果用了, 會有以下 Error# file has vanished: "/proc" (in backup)# rsync: readdir("/cygdrive" (in backup)): Bad address (14)usechroot=no# secrets.txt 的權限為 other 時, 那會有以下 Error# secrets file must not be...
- Fixed a bogus "vanished file" error if some files were specified with "./" prefixes and others were not. - Fixed a bug in --sparse where an extra gap could get inserted after a partial write. - Changed the way --progress overwrites its prior output in order to make ...
This does not affect subsequent vanished-file errors if a file was initially found to be present and later is no longer there. --delete-missing-args This option takes the behavior of the (implied) --ignore-missing-args option a step farther: each missing arg will become a deletion request...
This does not affect subsequent vanished-file errors if a file was initially found to be present and later is no longer there. --delete-missing-args This option takes the behavior of (the implied) --ignore-missing-args option a step farther: each missing arg will become a deletion request...