--owner, -o preserve owner(super-user only)--group, -g preserve group --devices preserve device files(super-user only)--copy-devices copy device contents as a regular file --write-devices write to devices as files(implies --inplace)--specials preserve special files -D same as --devices...
You can usersyncto copy only a specific file type. To do so, use the asterisk (*) symbol instead of the file name and add theextension. For example, to copy only.txtfiles, enter: rsync -v /home/pnap/Documents/*.txt /home/pnap/Desktop/rsync/ The command transfers alltext filesfrom t...
--devices preserve device files (super-user only) --copy-devices copy device contents as regular file --specials preserve special files -D same as --devices --specials -t, --times preserve modification times -O, --omit-dir-times omit directories from --times -J, --omit-link-times omit...
-o, --owner preserve owner (super-user only) -g, --group preserve group --devices preserve device files (super-user only) --copy-devices copy device contents as regular file --specials preserve special files -D same as --devices --specials -t, --times preserve modification times -O, ...
--owner, -o preserve owner (super-user only) --group, -g preserve group --devices preserve device files (super-user only) --copy-devices copy device contents as a regular file --write-devices write to devices as files (implies --inplace) ...
Rsync doesn't sync files, only directory structure I have set up rsync using the modules in Freenas 11. When I look at the backup server, only the directory structure exists - no files. Server A: /mnt/tank/directory_1 ls Media cd Media ls File01 File02 etc. Server B: /mnt/tank/...
--inplace update destination files in-place (SEE MAN PAGE) --append 将数据附加到较短的文件 --append-verify 类似--append,但是对旧数据会计算校验和 -d, --dirs 不使用递归传输目录 -l, --links 不处理符号链接(保留符号链接) -L, --copy-links 将符号链接处理为具体的文件或者文件夹 ...
dirs when talking to old rsync--mkpath create the destination's path component--links,-l copy symlinksassymlinks--copy-links,-Ltransform symlink into referent file/dir--copy-unsafe-links only"unsafe"symlinks are transformed--safe-links ignore symlinks that point outside the tree--munge-links ...
-o, --owner preserve owner (super-user only) -g, --group preserve group --devices preserve device files (super-user only) --copy-devices copy device contents as regular file --specials preserve special files -D same as --devices --specials ...
--inplace update destination files in-place (SEE MAN PAGE) --append 将数据附加到较短的文件 --append-verify 类似--append,但是对旧数据会计算校验和 -d, --dirs 不使用递归传输目录 -l, --links 不处理符号链接(保留符号链接) -L, --copy-links 将符号链接处理为具体的文件或者文件夹 ...