RPE量表;最大摄氧量;实验进展;预测 G804.8A 1000-520X 2011 09-0036-05 Experimental advancement in using RPE 6-20 Scale in predicting maximal oxygen consumption ZHONG Bo-guang ZHAO Ya-nan 2011-06-102011-07-23 第一作者简介:钟伯光(1958-),男,博士,教授,香港浸会大学体 育学系主任,研究方向:运动...
Therefore, it can be concluded that Borg's RPE 6-20 scale may be used to assess the physical work intensity among healthy Iranian male workers.Please cite this paper as: Daneshmandi H, Choobineh AR, Rajaee- Fard AR. Validation of Borg's RPE 6-20 Scale in Male Industrial Workers of ...
The vertical amplitude scale is 100 mV per division. The horizontal timescale is 50 ms per division. ERG analysis in affected members of the extended TCD-G family showed impairment of rod function, even in mildly affected indivi- duals. In more severely affected individuals, rod-isolated ...
If not, large-scale application of wind power will become a money-burning game. The condition monitoring and condition-based mainte- nance for wind turbines seem to be a hopeful solution. Unlike the European mar- ket, however, where insur- ance companies mandate the application of condition ...
Insets (1–8) are × 5 magnifications of indicated boxed regions, scale bar represents 20 μm LC3-II/LC3-I, under the same conditions (Figures 5c and d). Therefore, the addition of IGF-1, expected to suppress autophagy through activation of the AKT/mTOR signaling in normal cells, did...
Large‑scale purification of porcine or bovine photoreceptor outer segments for phagocytosis assays on retinal pigment epithelial cells. J Vis Exp. 2014 Dec 12;(94):52100. doi: 10.3791/ 52100. PMID: PMCID: PMC4396958.)。 [0050]对于RPE细胞来说另外一个重要的功能就是吞噬光感受器细胞脱落的外节...
OMNI scale rating of perceived exertion at ventilatory breakpoint by direct observation of children’s kinematics. Percept Mot Skills. 2007;105:975–84. CrossRef Swain IL, Emmet J, Murty D, Dickinson C, Dudfield M. Rating of perceived exertion and heart rate relative to ventilatory threshold ...
and derived RPE cells under physiological or altered conditions is represented by the characterization of the global protein content, i.e., the proteome, which represents one of the analytical strategies for the global-scale examination of the molecular composition of cells and other biological ...
(left/right) and upwards ligh left the the left determined mouth opens - 'o' shape sho CS: Torso TXT: Torso CS: Axis_Scale TS: Symmetry TXT: SpacialRef CS: Accents TXT: Dynamic upright posture spatial intention, direc tion, lateral axis, depth axis asymmetrical place level middle, ...
Chronic inflammation has been linked with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As an endocrine and inflammatory organ, adipose tissue is an important source of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines. Current evidence strongly supports that chronic inflammation is associate...