Jean RankinWhurr Publishers LtdJean Rankin PhD, M. B. (. R. R. R. P. (2008). Appendix 14: borg's category rating of perceived exertion scale (rpe). Effects of Antenatal Exercise on Psychological Well-Being, Pregnancy and Birth Outcome....
The scale of the four-momentum transfer of the interaction is related to the mass mV of the vector meson as Q2 ∼ m 2 V /4 corresponding to the perturbative regime in the case of heavy charmonium states. The rapidity of the coherently the gluons produced as x = cmc¯Vs/ta√tessNi...
OMNI scale perceived exertion at ventilatory breakpoint in children: response normalized. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001;33:1946–52. CrossRef Robertson RJ, Goss FL, Aaron DJ, Utter AC, Nagle E. OMNI scale rating of perceived exertion at ventilatory breakpoint by direct observation of children’...
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Fifteen out of 18 patients gained visual acuity, with a mean of > 7 lines on the logMar scale. In one patient the visual acuity was unaffected. Two patients suffered a drop in visual acuity. In all but two patients, central fixation on the graft, as tested with the slitlamp set to ...
cmap - a thread-safe concurrent map for go, support using interface{} as key and auto scale up shards. dict - Python-like dictionaries (dict) for Go. goradd/maps - Go 1.18+ generic map interface for maps; safe maps; ordered maps; ordered, safe maps; etc. Miscellaneous Data Structures...