[ERROR] [1703794883.367811564] [rosbag2_storage]: Unable to create class load instance: Environment variable 'AMENT_PREFIX_PATH' is not set or empty Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Labels feature req...
rosbag2_storage_my_storage is the name of the library from package.xml while my_storage is an identifier used by the pluginlib to refer to the plugin. Finally, the CMakeLists.txt must add our plugin_description.xml file to the ament index to be found at runtime: pluginlib_export_plugi...
Starting >>> ros1_rosbag_storage_vendor--- stderr: rosbag2_bag_v2_plugins Failed to 浏览18提问于2022-11-15得票数 0 3回答 ModuleNotFoundError:没有名为“rosbag”的模块 、、 我尝试在Python3.7中通过以下方式导入rosbag的模块:但是出现了一个例外:我已经通过以下方式安装库:和提前感谢您的帮助 浏...
[INFO] [1664424696.629539261] [rosbag2_bag_v2_plugins]: ROS 1 to ROS 2 type mapping is not available for topic '/gpsimu_driver/nmea_sentence' which is of type 'nmea_msgs/Sentence'. Skipping messages of this topic when replaying. Files: hdl_400.bag Bag size: 2.3 GiB Storage id: rosb...
Error: yaml-cpp: error at line 1, column 1: bad conversion [ERROR] [1719500706.969027891] [rosbag2_storage]: Could not load/open plugin with storage id 'sqlite3' No storage could be initialized. Abort This is the original metadata.yaml: rosbag2_bagfile_information: compression_format: ''...
Storage id: sqlite3 Duration: 10.47s Start: Jul1202015:40:52.483(1593610852.483) End: Jul1202015:41:02.531(1593610862.531) Messages:32 Topic information: Topic: /chatter | Type: std_msgs/msg/String | Count:11| Serialization Format: cdr ...
Native integration with the tool chain.Many customers implement the Data Catalog, data storage, and search API in AWS native services. This visualization tool should be integrated into such a tool chain directly. Overview of solutions This blog post describes three...
(const string&)’: /home/usr/ros2_foxy/src/ros2/rosbag2/rosbag2_storage/src/rosbag2_storage/metadata_io.cpp:236:53: error: could not convert ‘& metadata.rosbag2_storage::BagMetadata::bag_size’ from ‘uint64_t*’ {aka ‘long unsigned int*’} to ‘rcutils_allocator_t’ 236 |...
on Sep 5, 2023 In the case you need to reindex for different bag formats: db3:ros2 bag reindex <rosbag> sqlite mcap:ros2 bag reindex <rosbag> mcap (Other supported storage formats can be found usingros2 bag reindex --help)
Here,-s rosbag_v2tells rosbag2 to use the plugin to read rosbags (version 2) to query the bagfile. For old rosbags, the storage format must be added to the info call as rosbag does not have the necessary information to read the plugin otherwise. The command above should print some...